
nobleness adjective


The adjective form of nobleness is noble

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  • adjective nobleness distinguished by rank or title. 1
  • adjective nobleness pertaining to persons so distinguished. 1
  • adjective nobleness of, belonging to, or constituting a hereditary class that has special social or political status in a country or state; of or pertaining to the aristocracy. Synonyms: highborn, aristocratic; patrician, blue-blooded. Antonyms: baseborn, lowborn; common, plebian; lower-class, working-class, middle-class, bourgeois. 1
  • adjective nobleness of an exalted moral or mental character or excellence: a noble thought. Synonyms: lofty, elevated, high-minded, principled; magnanimous; honorable, estimable, worthy, meritorious. Antonyms: ignoble, base; vulgar, common. 1
  • adjective nobleness admirable in dignity of conception, manner of expression, execution, or composition: a noble poem. Synonyms: grand, dignified, august. Antonyms: undignified, disreputable, unrespected. 1
  • adjective nobleness very impressive or imposing in appearance: a noble monument. Synonyms: majestic, grand, stately; magnificent, imposing, splendid, impressive; regal, imperial, lordly. Antonyms: insignificant, mean, paltry; modest, plain, ordinary. 1
  • adjective nobleness of an admirably high quality; notably superior; excellent. Synonyms: noteworthy, notable, outstanding, exemplary, exceptional. Antonyms: inferior, ordinary, unexceptional. 1
  • adjective nobleness famous; illustrious; renowned. Synonyms: famed, celebrated, acclaimed, distinguished. Antonyms: unknown, obscure, unremarkable. 1
  • adjective nobleness Chemistry. inert; chemically inactive. 1
  • adjective nobleness Falconry. (of a hawk) having excellent qualities or abilities. 1
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