
All ease antonyms

E e

verb ease

  • cheque β€” A cheque is a printed form on which you write an amount of money and who it is to be paid to. Your bank then pays the money to that person from your account.
  • neglect β€” to pay no attention or too little attention to; disregard or slight: The public neglected his genius for many years.
  • incite β€” to stir, encourage, or urge on; stimulate or prompt to action: to incite a crowd to riot.
  • increase β€” to make greater, as in number, size, strength, or quality; augment; add to: to increase taxes.
  • intensify β€” to make intense or more intense.
  • worsen β€” Make or become worse.
  • worry β€” to torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts; fret.
  • delay β€” If you delay doing something, you do not do it immediately or at the planned or expected time, but you leave it until later.
  • slow β€” moving or proceeding with little or less than usual speed or velocity: a slow train.
  • harm β€” a U.S. air-to-surface missile designed to detect and destroy radar sites by homing on their emissions.
  • injure β€” to do or cause harm of any kind to; damage; hurt; impair: to injure one's hand.
  • condemn β€” If you condemn something, you say that it is very bad and unacceptable.
  • demote β€” If someone demotes you, they give you a lower rank or a less important position than you already have, often as a punishment.
  • weaken β€” to make weak or weaker.
  • block β€” A block of flats or offices is a large building containing them.
  • cease β€” If something ceases, it stops happening or existing.
  • hinder β€” to cause delay, interruption, or difficulty in; hamper; impede: The storm hindered our progress.
  • annoy β€” If someone or something annoys you, it makes you fairly angry and impatient.
  • impede β€” to retard in movement or progress by means of obstacles or hindrances; obstruct; hinder.
  • burden β€” If you describe a problem or a responsibility as a burden, you mean that it causes someone a lot of difficulty, worry, or hard work.
  • bring down β€” When people or events bring down a government or ruler, they cause the government or ruler to lose power.

noun ease

  • difficulty β€” the fact or condition of being difficult.
  • hardship β€” a condition that is difficult to endure; suffering; deprivation; oppression: a life of hardship.
  • agitation β€” If someone is in a state of agitation, they are very worried or upset, and show this in their behaviour, movements, or voice.
  • discontent β€” not content; dissatisfied; discontented.
  • unhappiness β€” sad; miserable; wretched: Why is she so unhappy?
  • action β€” Action is doing something for a particular purpose.
  • activity β€” Activity is a situation in which a lot of things are happening or being done.
  • displeasure β€” dissatisfaction, disapproval, or annoyance.
  • dissatisfaction β€” the state or attitude of not being satisfied; discontent; displeasure.
  • disturbance β€” the act of disturbing.
  • misery β€” wretchedness of condition or circumstances.
  • sadness β€” affected by unhappiness or grief; sorrowful or mournful: to feel sad because a close friend has moved away.
  • sorrow β€” distress caused by loss, affliction, disappointment, etc.; grief, sadness, or regret.
  • woe β€” grievous distress, affliction, or trouble: His woe was almost beyond description.
  • work β€” Henry Clay, 1832–84, U.S. songwriter.
  • disquiet β€” lack of calm, peace, or ease; anxiety; uneasiness.
  • effort β€” exertion of physical or mental power: It will take great effort to achieve victory.
  • non-excitable β€” easily excited: Prima donnas had the reputation of being excitable and temperamental.
  • furor β€” a general outburst of enthusiasm, excitement, controversy, or the like.
  • inhibition β€” the act of inhibiting.
  • perplexity β€” the state of being perplexed; confusion; uncertainty.
  • restriction β€” something that restricts; a restrictive condition or regulation; limitation.
  • strife β€” vigorous or bitter conflict, discord, or antagonism: to be at strife.
  • turmoil β€” a state of great commotion, confusion, or disturbance; tumult; agitation; disquiet: mental turmoil caused by difficult decisions.
  • uneasiness β€” not easy in body or mind; uncomfortable; restless; disturbed; perturbed.
  • unrest β€” lack of rest; a restless, troubled, or uneasy state; disquiet: the unrest within himself.
  • inability β€” lack of ability; lack of power, capacity, or means: his inability to make decisions.
  • disease β€” a disordered or incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system of the body resulting from the effect of genetic or developmental errors, infection, poisons, nutritional deficiency or imbalance, toxicity, or unfavorable environmental factors; illness; sickness; ailment.
  • misease β€” Archaic. discomfort; distress; suffering.
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