
All flyest antonyms

F f

adj flyest

  • unimportant β€” of much or great significance or consequence: an important event in world history.
  • poor β€” having little or no money, goods, or other means of support: a poor family living on welfare.
  • worst β€” in ill health; sick: He felt badly.
  • least β€” small in size; not big; not large; tiny: a little desk in the corner of the room.
  • minor β€” lesser, as in size, extent, or importance, or being or noting the lesser of two: a minor share.
  • nonessential β€” not essential; not necessary: Nonessential use of gasoline was forbidden during the war.
  • bad β€” If you say that it is bad that something happens, you mean it is unacceptable, unfortunate, or wrong.
  • inferior β€” lower in station, rank, degree, or grade (often followed by to): a rank inferior to colonel.
  • second-rate β€” of lesser or minor quality, importance, or the like: a second-rate poet.
  • secondary β€” next after the first in order, place, time, etc.
  • low-class β€” vulgar, coarse, or undignified
  • old-fashioned β€” of a style or kind that is no longer in vogue: an old-fashioned bathing suit.
  • boring β€” Someone or something boring is so dull and uninteresting that they make people tired and impatient.
  • dull β€” not sharp; blunt: a dull knife.
  • calm β€” A calm person does not show or feel any worry, anger, or excitement.
  • stylish β€” characterized by or conforming to style or the fashionable standard; fashionably elegant; smart or chic: She wore a very stylish gown to the inaugural ball.
  • plain β€” clear or distinct to the eye or ear: a plain trail to the river; to stand in plain view.
  • insignificant β€” unimportant, trifling, or petty: Omit the insignificant details.
  • ignorant β€” lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man.
  • stupid β€” lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind; dull.
  • unacceptable β€” capable or worthy of being accepted.
  • ordinary β€” of no special quality or interest; commonplace; unexceptional: One novel is brilliant, the other is decidedly ordinary; an ordinary person.
  • outdated β€” no longer in use or fashionable; out-of-date; outmoded; antiquated.
  • unpopular β€” not popular; disliked or ignored by the public or by persons generally.
  • worn β€” past participle of wear.
  • out β€” away from, or not in, the normal or usual place, position, state, etc.: out of alphabetical order; to go out to dinner.
  • old β€” far advanced in the years of one's or its life: an old man; an old horse; an old tree.
  • unfashionable β€” observant of or conforming to the fashion; stylish: a fashionable young woman.
  • lazy β€” averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion; indolent.
  • unintelligent β€” deficient in intelligence; dull; stupid.
  • aboveboard β€” An arrangement or deal that is aboveboard is legal and is being carried out openly and honestly. A person who is aboveboard is open and honest about what they are doing.
  • forthright β€” going straight to the point; frank; direct; outspoken: It's sometimes difficult to be forthright and not give offense.
  • frank β€” direct and unreserved in speech; straightforward; sincere: Her criticism of my work was frank but absolutely fair.
  • honest β€” honorable in principles, intentions, and actions; upright and fair: an honest person.
  • indefinite β€” not definite; without fixed or specified limit; unlimited: an indefinite number.
  • indistinct β€” not distinct; not clearly marked or defined: indistinct markings.
  • benevolent β€” If you describe a person in authority as benevolent, you mean that they are kind and fair.
  • kind β€” of a good or benevolent nature or disposition, as a person: a kind and loving person.
  • blunt β€” If you are blunt, you say exactly what you think without trying to be polite.
  • slow β€” moving or proceeding with little or less than usual speed or velocity: a slow train.
  • mild β€” amiably gentle or temperate in feeling or behavior toward others.
  • moderate β€” kept or keeping within reasonable or proper limits; not extreme, excessive, or intense: a moderate price.
  • undefined β€” without fixed limits; indefinite in form, extent, or application: undefined authority; undefined feelings of sadness.
  • nice β€” pleasing; agreeable; delightful: a nice visit.
  • bland β€” If you describe someone or something as bland, you mean that they are rather dull and unexciting.
  • flat β€” horizontally level: a flat roof.
  • low β€” to utter by or as by lowing.
  • tasteless β€” having no taste or flavor; insipid.
  • unkempt β€” not combed: unkempt hair.
  • dowdy β€” not stylish; drab; old-fashioned: Why do you always wear those dowdy old dresses?
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