
All get cracking antonyms

get crackΒ·ing
G g

verb get cracking

  • complete β€” You use complete to emphasize that something is as great in extent, degree, or amount as it possibly can be.
  • cease β€” If something ceases, it stops happening or existing.
  • close β€” When you close something such as a door or lid or when it closes, it moves so that a hole, gap, or opening is covered.
  • conclude β€” If you conclude that something is true, you decide that it is true using the facts you know as a basis.
  • finish β€” to bring (something) to an end or to completion; complete: to finish a novel; to finish breakfast.
  • stop β€” to cease from, leave off, or discontinue: to stop running.
  • decelerate β€” When a vehicle or machine decelerates or when someone in a vehicle decelerates, the speed of the vehicle or machine is reduced.
  • hinder β€” to cause delay, interruption, or difficulty in; hamper; impede: The storm hindered our progress.
  • slow β€” moving or proceeding with little or less than usual speed or velocity: a slow train.
  • retard β€” to make slow; delay the development or progress of (an action, process, etc.); hinder or impede.
  • aid β€” Aid is money, equipment, or services that are provided for people, countries, or organizations who need them but cannot provide them for themselves.
  • walk β€” to advance or travel on foot at a moderate speed or pace; proceed by steps; move by advancing the feet alternately so that there is always one foot on the ground in bipedal locomotion and two or more feet on the ground in quadrupedal locomotion.
  • dissuade β€” to deter by advice or persuasion; persuade not to do something (often followed by from): She dissuaded him from leaving home.
  • wait β€” to remain inactive or in a state of repose, as until something expected happens (often followed by for, till, or until): to wait for the bus to arrive.
  • dawdle β€” If you dawdle, you spend more time than is necessary going somewhere.
  • lag β€” netlag
  • loiter β€” to linger aimlessly or as if aimless in or about a place: to loiter around the bus terminal.
  • procrastinate β€” to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost.
  • tarry β€” to remain or stay, as in a place; sojourn: He tarried in Baltimore on his way to Washington.
  • halt β€” to falter, as in speech, reasoning, etc.; be hesitant; stumble.
  • check β€” Check is also a noun.
  • face β€” the front part of the head, from the forehead to the chin.
  • meet β€” greatest lower bound
  • help β€” to give or provide what is necessary to accomplish a task or satisfy a need; contribute strength or means to; render assistance to; cooperate effectively with; aid; assist: He planned to help me with my work. Let me help you with those packages.
  • discourage β€” to deprive of courage, hope, or confidence; dishearten; dispirit.
  • stand β€” (of a person) to be in an upright position on the feet.
  • pull β€” pull media
  • stay β€” (of a ship) to change to the other tack.
  • linger β€” to remain or stay on in a place longer than is usual or expected, as if from reluctance to leave: We lingered awhile after the party.
  • rest β€” a support for a lance; lance rest.
  • prevent β€” to keep from occurring; avert; hinder: He intervened to prevent bloodshed.
  • hurt β€” to cause bodily injury to; injure: He was badly hurt in the accident.
  • obey β€” to comply with or follow the commands, restrictions, wishes, or instructions of: to obey one's parents.
  • retreat β€” the forced or strategic withdrawal of an army or an armed force before an enemy, or the withdrawing of a naval force from action.
  • hide β€” Informal. to administer a beating to; thrash.
  • guard β€” to keep safe from harm or danger; protect; watch over: to guard the ruler.
  • protect β€” to defend or guard from attack, invasion, loss, annoyance, insult, etc.; cover or shield from injury or danger.
  • delay β€” If you delay doing something, you do not do it immediately or at the planned or expected time, but you leave it until later.
  • dally β€” If you dally, you act or move very slowly, wasting time.
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