
All imperceptive antonyms

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adj imperceptive

  • aware β€” If you are aware of something, you know about it.
  • mindful β€” attentive, aware, or careful (usually followed by of): mindful of one's responsibilities.
  • seeing β€” the act of a person who sees.
  • sighted β€” having functional vision; not blind.
  • understanding β€” mental process of a person who comprehends; comprehension; personal interpretation: My understanding of the word does not agree with yours.
  • uncovered β€” having no cover or covering.
  • concerned β€” If you are concerned to do something, you want to do it because you think it is important.
  • conscious β€” If you are conscious of something, you notice it or realize that it is happening.
  • sensitive β€” endowed with sensation; having perception through the senses.
  • cunning β€” Someone who is cunning has the ability to achieve things in a clever way, often by deceiving other people.
  • quick β€” done, proceeding, or occurring with promptness or rapidity, as an action, process, etc.; prompt; immediate: a quick response.
  • sharp β€” having a thin cutting edge or a fine point; well-adapted for cutting or piercing: a sharp knife.
  • controlled β€” held in check; curbed: poorly controlled anger.
  • open β€” not closed or barred at the time, as a doorway by a door, a window by a sash, or a gateway by a gate: to leave the windows open at night.
  • revealed β€” to make known; disclose; divulge: to reveal a secret.
  • planned β€” arranged, organized, or done in accordance with a plan: a planned attack.
  • chosen β€” Chosen is the past participle of choose.
  • discriminatory β€” characterized by or showing prejudicial treatment, especially as an indication of bias related to age, color, national origin, religion, sex, etc.: discriminatory practices in housing; a discriminatory tax.
  • methodical β€” performed, disposed, or acting in a systematic way; systematic; orderly: a methodical person.
  • selective β€” having the function or power of selecting; making a selection.
  • specific β€” having a special application, bearing, or reference; specifying, explicit, or definite: to state one's specific purpose.
  • systematic β€” having, showing, or involving a system, method, or plan: a systematic course of reading; systematic efforts.
  • critical β€” If a person is critical or in a critical condition in hospital, they are seriously ill.
  • definite β€” If something such as a decision or an arrangement is definite, it is firm and clear, and unlikely to be changed.
  • particular β€” of or relating to a single or specific person, thing, group, class, occasion, etc., rather than to others or all; special rather than general: one's particular interests in books.
  • kind β€” of a good or benevolent nature or disposition, as a person: a kind and loving person.
  • considerate β€” Someone who is considerate pays attention to the needs, wishes, or feelings of other people.
  • impressionable β€” easily impressed or influenced; susceptible: an impressionable youngster.
  • responsive β€” responding especially readily and sympathetically to appeals, efforts, influences, etc.: a responsive government.
  • nice β€” pleasing; agreeable; delightful: a nice visit.
  • caring β€” If someone is caring, they are affectionate, helpful, and sympathetic.
  • feeling β€” a quality of an object that is perceived by feeling or touching: the soft feel of cotton.
  • touched β€” moved; stirred: They were very touched by your generosity.
  • sensate β€” perceiving or perceived through the senses.
  • intelligent β€” having good understanding or a high mental capacity; quick to comprehend, as persons or animals: an intelligent student.
  • bright β€” A bright colour is strong and noticeable, and not dark.
  • smart β€” having or showing quick intelligence or ready mental capability: a smart student.
  • pointed β€” having a point or points: a pointed arch.
  • determined β€” If you are determined to do something, you have made a firm decision to do it and will not let anything stop you.
  • comprehensible β€” Something that is comprehensible can be understood.
  • intelligible β€” capable of being understood; comprehensible; clear: an intelligible response.
  • translucent β€” permitting light to pass through but diffusing it so that persons, objects, etc., on the opposite side are not clearly visible: Frosted window glass is translucent but not transparent.
  • unclouded β€” confused; muddled; disordered: a mind clouded by sorrow.
  • unambiguous β€” not ambiguous, or unclear; distinct; unequivocal: The object of the experiment was to reach an unambiguous conclusion about climate change.
  • clear β€” Something that is clear is easy to understand, see, or hear.
  • certain β€” If you are certain about something, you firmly believe it is true and have no doubt about it. If you are not certain about something, you do not have definite knowledge about it.
  • sure β€” free from doubt as to the reliability, character, action, etc., of something: to be sure of one's data.
  • understandable β€” capable of being understood; comprehensible.
  • lucid β€” easily understood; completely intelligible or comprehensible: a lucid explanation.
  • transparent β€” having the property of transmitting rays of light through its substance so that bodies situated beyond or behind can be distinctly seen.
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