
All ironfisted antonyms

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adjective ironfisted

  • civilised β€” to bring out of a savage, uneducated, or rude state; make civil; elevate in social and private life; enlighten; refine: Rome civilized the barbarians.
  • extravagant β€” Lacking restraint in spending money or using resources.
  • ending β€” An end or final part of something, especially a period of time, an activity, or a book or movie.

adj ironfisted

  • compassionate β€” If you describe someone or something as compassionate, you mean that they feel or show pity, sympathy, and understanding for people who are suffering.
  • merciful β€” full of mercy; characterized by, expressing, or showing mercy; compassionate: a merciful God.
  • remorseful β€” full of remorse.
  • kind β€” of a good or benevolent nature or disposition, as a person: a kind and loving person.
  • flexible β€” capable of being bent, usually without breaking; easily bent: a flexible ruler.
  • sympathetic β€” characterized by, proceeding from, exhibiting, or feeling sympathy; sympathizing; compassionate: a sympathetic listener.
  • yielding β€” inclined to give in; submissive; compliant: a timid, yielding man.
  • nice β€” pleasing; agreeable; delightful: a nice visit.
  • placable β€” capable of being placated, pacified, or appeased; forgiving.
  • civilized β€” If you describe a society as civilized, you mean that it is advanced and has sensible laws and customs.
  • forgiving β€” disposed to forgive; indicating forgiveness: a forgiving soul; a forgiving smile.
  • nonviolent β€” not violent; free of violence.
  • peaceful β€” characterized by peace; free from war, strife, commotion, violence, or disorder: a peaceful reign; a peaceful demonstration.
  • polite β€” showing good manners toward others, as in behavior, speech, etc.; courteous; civil: a polite reply.
  • friendly β€” characteristic of or befitting a friend; showing friendship: a friendly greeting.
  • humane β€” characterized by tenderness, compassion, and sympathy for people and animals, especially for the suffering or distressed: humane treatment of prisoners.
  • considerate β€” Someone who is considerate pays attention to the needs, wishes, or feelings of other people.
  • calm β€” A calm person does not show or feel any worry, anger, or excitement.
  • tame β€” changed from the wild or savage state; domesticated: a tame bear.
  • easy β€” not hard or difficult; requiring no great labor or effort: a book that is easy to read; an easy victory.
  • gentle β€” kindly; amiable: a gentle manner.
  • mild β€” amiably gentle or temperate in feeling or behavior toward others.
  • tender β€” soft or delicate in substance; not hard or tough: a tender steak.
  • feeling β€” a quality of an object that is perceived by feeling or touching: the soft feel of cotton.
  • giving β€” to present voluntarily and without expecting compensation; bestow: to give a birthday present to someone.
  • wasteful β€” given to or characterized by useless consumption or expenditure: wasteful methods; a wasteful way of life.
  • generous β€” liberal in giving or sharing; unselfish: a generous patron of the arts; a generous gift.
  • uneconomical β€” avoiding waste or extravagance; thrifty: an economical meal; an economical use of interior space.
  • liberal β€” favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
  • spendthrift β€” a person who spends possessions or money extravagantly or wastefully; prodigal.
  • far β€” at or to a great distance; a long way off; at or to a remote point: We sailed far ahead of the fleet.
  • unselfish β€” not selfish; disinterested; generous; altruistic.
  • wasting β€” not used or in use: waste energy; waste talents.
  • away β€” If someone or something moves or is moved away from a place, they move or are moved so that they are no longer there. If you are away from a place, you are not in the place where people expect you to be.
  • sparing β€” kept in reserve, as for possible use: a spare part.
  • bright β€” A bright colour is strong and noticeable, and not dark.
  • tolerant β€” inclined or disposed to tolerate; showing tolerance; forbearing: tolerant of errors.
  • facile β€” moving, acting, working, proceeding, etc., with ease, sometimes with superficiality: facile fingers; a facile mind.
  • lenient β€” agreeably tolerant; permissive; indulgent: He tended to be lenient toward the children. More lenient laws encouraged greater freedom of expression.
  • tractable β€” easily managed or controlled; docile; yielding: a tractable child; a tractable disposition.
  • inaccurate β€” not accurate; incorrect or untrue.
  • indefinite β€” not definite; without fixed or specified limit; unlimited: an indefinite number.
  • uncertain β€” not definitely ascertainable or fixed, as in time of occurrence, number, dimensions, or quality.
  • soft β€” yielding readily to touch or pressure; easily penetrated, divided, or changed in shape; not hard or stiff: a soft pillow.
  • easy-going β€” calm and unworried; relaxed and rather casual: an easygoing person.
  • amenable β€” If you are amenable to something, you are willing to do it or accept it.
  • pliable β€” easily bent; flexible; supple: pliable leather.
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