
All old antonyms

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adverb old

  • lately β€” of late; recently; not long since: He has been very grouchy lately.
  • of late β€” occurring, coming, or being after the usual or proper time: late frosts; a late spring.
  • just now β€” a moment ago
  • freshly β€” Newly; recently.

noun old

  • innovation β€” something new or different introduced: numerous innovations in the high-school curriculum.
  • modernism β€” modern character, tendencies, or values; adherence to or sympathy with what is modern.
  • modernization β€” to make modern; give a new or modern character or appearance to: to modernize one's ideas; to modernize a kitchen.

adj old

  • young β€” being in the first or early stage of life or growth; youthful; not old: a young woman.
  • youthful β€” characterized by youth; young.
  • inexperienced β€” not experienced; lacking knowledge, skill, or wisdom gained from experience.
  • current β€” A current is a steady and continuous flowing movement of some of the water in a river, lake, or sea.
  • modern β€” of or relating to present and recent time; not ancient or remote: modern city life.
  • up-to-date β€” (of persons, buildings, etc.) keeping up with the times, as in outlook, information, ideas, appearance, or style.
  • new β€” other than the former or the old: a new era; in the New World.
  • green β€” of the color of growing foliage, between yellow and blue in the spectrum: green leaves.
  • fresh β€” newly made or obtained: fresh footprints.
  • contemporary β€” Contemporary things are modern and relate to the present time.
  • late β€” occurring, coming, or being after the usual or proper time: late frosts; a late spring.
  • recent β€” of late occurrence, appearance, or origin; lately happening, done, made, etc.: recent events; a recent trip.
  • present β€” being, existing, or occurring at this time or now; current: increasing respect for the present ruler of the small country.
  • unstable β€” not stable; not firm or firmly fixed; unsteady.
  • changeable β€” Someone or something that is changeable is likely to change many times.
  • unsteady β€” not steady or firm; unstable; shaky: an unsteady hand.
  • interrupted β€” having an irregular or discontinuous arrangement, as of leaflets along a stem.
  • untrustworthy β€” deserving of trust or confidence; dependable; reliable: The treasurer was not entirely trustworthy.
  • intermittent β€” stopping or ceasing for a time; alternately ceasing and beginning again: an intermittent pain.
  • soft β€” yielding readily to touch or pressure; easily penetrated, divided, or changed in shape; not hard or stiff: a soft pillow.
  • weak β€” not strong; liable to yield, break, or collapse under pressure or strain; fragile; frail: a weak fortress; a weak spot in armor.
  • wavering β€” to sway to and fro; flutter: Foliage wavers in the breeze.
  • broken β€” Broken is the past participle of break.
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