
All permit antonyms

P p

verb permit

  • ordinate β€” Mathematics. (in plane Cartesian coordinates) the y-coordinate of a point: its distance from the x-axis measured parallel to the y-axis.
  • denunciated β€” Simple past tense and past participle of denunciate.
  • hang up β€” the way in which a thing hangs.
  • housebroken β€” (of a pet) trained to avoid excreting inside the house or in improper places.
  • intermeddling β€” Present participle of intermeddle.
  • dratted β€” damned; confounded (used as a mild oath): This dratted car won't start.
  • inclose β€” enclose.
  • concussed β€” If someone is concussed, they lose consciousness or feel sick or confused because they have been hit hard on the head.
  • in-tern β€” to restrict to or confine within prescribed limits, as prisoners of war, enemy aliens, or combat troops who take refuge in a neutral country.
  • evert β€” Turn (a structure or organ) outward or inside out.
  • clear away β€” When you clear things away or clear away, you put away the things that you have been using, especially for eating or cooking.
  • close down β€” to cease or cause to cease operations
  • force β€” physical power or strength possessed by a living being: He used all his force in opening the window.
  • gassed β€” drunk.
  • give vent to β€” to release (an emotion, passion, idea, etc) in an utterance or outburst
  • burden β€” If you describe a problem or a responsibility as a burden, you mean that it causes someone a lot of difficulty, worry, or hard work.
  • dratting β€” to damn; confound: Drat your interference.
  • muzzle β€” the mouth, or end for discharge, of the barrel of a gun, pistol, etc.
  • disciplining β€” Present participle of discipline.
  • confute β€” to prove (a person or thing) wrong, invalid, or mistaken; disprove
  • weighted β€” having additional weight.
  • caper β€” Capers are the small green buds of caper plants. They are usually sold preserved in vinegar.
  • clam up β€” If someone clams up, they stop talking, often because they are shy or to avoid giving away secrets.
  • clue in β€” anything that serves to guide or direct in the solution of a problem, mystery, etc.
  • hold one's tongue β€” Anatomy. the usually movable organ in the floor of the mouth in humans and most vertebrates, functioning in eating, in tasting, and, in humans, in speaking.
  • contain β€” If something such as a box, bag, room, or place contains things, those things are inside it.
  • duelling β€” a prearranged combat between two persons, fought with deadly weapons according to an accepted code of procedure, especially to settle a private quarrel.
  • eyeballed β€” Simple past tense and past participle of eyeball.
  • moderate β€” kept or keeping within reasonable or proper limits; not extreme, excessive, or intense: a moderate price.
  • denunciating β€” present participle of denunciate.
  • encumber β€” Restrict or burden (someone or something) in such a way that free action or movement is difficult.
  • junked β€” Simple past tense and past participle of junk.
  • lift β€” to move or bring (something) upward from the ground or other support to a higher position; hoist.
  • counteract β€” To counteract something means to reduce its effect by doing something that produces an opposite effect.
  • withdraw β€” to draw back, away, or aside; take back; remove: She withdrew her hand from his. He withdrew his savings from the bank.
  • inhibit β€” to restrain, hinder, arrest, or check (an action, impulse, etc.).
  • give out β€” to present voluntarily and without expecting compensation; bestow: to give a birthday present to someone.
  • fall flat β€” horizontally level: a flat roof.
  • hold out on β€” to delay in or keep from telling (a person) some new or important information
  • inclosed β€” enclose.
  • deadbolt β€” a locking bolt that is turned by the key rather than a spring
  • discourage β€” to deprive of courage, hope, or confidence; dishearten; dispirit.
  • enfetter β€” Restrain (someone) with shackles.
  • belay β€” to make fast (a line) by securing to a pin, cleat, or bitt
  • nixing β€” nothing.
  • outvote β€” to outdo or defeat in voting: The rural districts outvoted the urban districts. The measure was outvoted by the farmers.
  • ease out β€” freedom from labor, pain, or physical annoyance; tranquil rest; comfort: to enjoy one's ease.
  • deny β€” When you deny something, you state that it is not true.
  • cheque β€” A cheque is a printed form on which you write an amount of money and who it is to be paid to. Your bank then pays the money to that person from your account.
  • everted β€” Simple past tense and past participle of evert.
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