
All repress antonyms

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verb repress

  • hyping β€” to stimulate, excite, or agitate (usually followed by up): She was hyped up at the thought of owning her own car.
  • flesh out β€” the soft substance of a human or other animal body, consisting of muscle and fat.
  • glut β€” to feed or fill to satiety; sate: to glut the appetite.
  • innervated β€” to communicate nervous energy to; stimulate through nerves.
  • catalyzed β€” to act upon by catalysis.
  • fan the flames β€” (Idiomatic) To intensify something; to worsen an already difficult situation or unfavourable set of circumstances.
  • constrain β€” To constrain someone or something means to limit their development or force them to behave in a particular way.
  • lapidate β€” to pelt with stones.
  • drive β€” to send, expel, or otherwise cause to move by force or compulsion: to drive away the flies; to drive back an attacking army; to drive a person to desperation.
  • curdling β€” Present participle of curdle.
  • bunged β€” a stopper for the opening of a cask.
  • barreling β€” a cylindrical wooden container with slightly bulging sides made of staves hooped together, and with flat, parallel ends.
  • lapidated β€” to pelt with stones.
  • catapulted β€” an ancient military engine for hurling stones, arrows, etc.
  • get through β€” to receive or come to have possession, use, or enjoyment of: to get a birthday present; to get a pension.
  • jollying β€” Present participle of jolly.
  • make a killing β€” If you make a killing, you make a large profit very quickly and easily.
  • goosed β€” any of numerous wild or domesticated, web-footed swimming birds of the family Anatidae, especially of the genera Anser and Branta, most of which are larger and have a longer neck and legs than the ducks.
  • incite β€” to stir, encourage, or urge on; stimulate or prompt to action: to incite a crowd to riot.
  • cataracted β€” a descent of water over a steep surface; a waterfall, especially one of considerable size.
  • be-thought β€” simple past tense and past participle of bethink.
  • bandied β€” to pass from one to another or back and forth; give and take; trade; exchange: to bandy blows; to bandy words.
  • nursle β€” (now rare, archaic) To nurture, train, raise (up) (a person).
  • barrelled β€” a cylindrical wooden container with slightly bulging sides made of staves hooped together, and with flat, parallel ends.
  • jostle β€” to bump, push, shove, brush against, or elbow roughly or rudely.
  • wholesaling β€” the sale of goods in quantity, as to retailers or jobbers, for resale (opposed to retail).
  • innervates β€” to communicate nervous energy to; stimulate through nerves.
  • leave no stone unturned β€” the hard substance, formed of mineral matter, of which rocks consist.
  • nurture β€” to feed and protect: to nurture one's offspring.
  • accessing β€” the ability, right, or permission to approach, enter, speak with, or use; admittance: They have access to the files.
  • arm-twist β€” to subject to arm-twisting: The unions arm-twisted the government into negotiating by threatening widespread strikes.
  • bring to mind β€” recall
  • hustle β€” to proceed or work rapidly or energetically: to hustle about putting a house in order.
  • increase β€” to make greater, as in number, size, strength, or quality; augment; add to: to increase taxes.
  • dragoons β€” Plural form of dragoon.
  • encourage β€” Give support, confidence, or hope to (someone).
  • bulldoze β€” If people bulldoze something such as a building, they knock it down using a bulldozer.
  • whacked β€” exhausted; tired out.
  • concuss β€” to injure (the brain) by a violent blow, fall, etc
  • make ready β€” the state or condition of being ready.
  • arm-twisting β€” persuasion
  • get away β€” to receive or come to have possession, use, or enjoyment of: to get a birthday present; to get a pension.
  • mobilise β€” to assemble or marshal (armed forces, military reserves, or civilian persons of military age) into readiness for active service.
  • bandying β€” to pass from one to another or back and forth; give and take; trade; exchange: to bandy blows; to bandy words.
  • barrelling β€” a cylindrical wooden container with slightly bulging sides made of staves hooped together, and with flat, parallel ends.
  • bulleted β€” a small metal projectile, part of a cartridge, for firing from small arms.
  • gunned β€” a weapon consisting of a metal tube, with mechanical attachments, from which projectiles are shot by the force of an explosive; a piece of ordnance.
  • incline β€” to deviate from the vertical or horizontal; slant.
  • look back β€” to turn one's eyes toward something or in some direction in order to see: He looked toward the western horizon and saw the returning planes.
  • make haste β€” swiftness of motion; speed; celerity: He performed his task with great haste. They felt the need for haste.
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