
All repulse antonyms

R r

verb repulse

  • choose β€” If you choose someone or something from several people or things that are available, you decide which person or thing you want to have.
  • crane β€” A crane is a large machine that moves heavy things by lifting them in the air.
  • accessed β€” the ability, right, or permission to approach, enter, speak with, or use; admittance: They have access to the files.
  • entrap β€” Catch (someone or something) in or as in a trap.
  • buy out β€” If you buy someone out, you buy their share of something such as a company or piece of property that you previously owned together.
  • busied β€” actively and attentively engaged in work or a pastime: busy with her work.
  • cartooning β€” a sketch or drawing, usually humorous, as in a newspaper or periodical, symbolizing, satirizing, or caricaturing some action, subject, or person of popular interest.
  • charm β€” Charm is the quality of being pleasant or attractive.
  • inveigle β€” to entice, lure, or ensnare by flattery or artful talk or inducements (usually followed by into): to inveigle a person into playing bridge.
  • make with β€” to bring into existence by shaping or changing material, combining parts, etc.: to make a dress; to make a channel; to make a work of art.
  • go out with β€” date
  • jollying β€” Present participle of jolly.
  • weeds β€” a valueless plant growing wild, especially one that grows on cultivated ground to the exclusion or injury of the desired crop.
  • infatuating β€” to inspire or possess with a foolish or unreasoning passion, as of love.
  • lay for β€” to put or place in a horizontal position or position of rest; set down: to lay a book on a desk.
  • expulse β€” To expel.
  • anesthetized β€” to render physically insensible, as by an anesthetic.
  • craned β€” any large wading bird of the family Gruidae, characterized by long legs, bill, and neck and an elevated hind toe.
  • boxed in β€” simple past tense and past participle of box in.
  • allure β€” to entice or tempt (someone) to a person or place or to a course of action; attract
  • beguile β€” If something beguiles you, you are charmed and attracted by it.
  • carve out β€” to make or create (a career)
  • lay hands on β€” the terminal, prehensile part of the upper limb in humans and other primates, consisting of the wrist, metacarpal area, fingers, and thumb.
  • anaesthetising β€” Present participle of anaesthetise.
  • delectate β€” to delight (a person)
  • jawbone β€” a bone of either jaw; a maxilla or mandible.
  • caricaturing β€” a picture, description, etc., ludicrously exaggerating the peculiarities or defects of persons or things: His caricature of the mayor in this morning's paper is the best he's ever drawn.
  • decoy β€” If you refer to something or someone as a decoy, you mean that they are intended to attract people's attention and deceive them, for example by leading them into a trap or away from a particular place.
  • go bad β€” not good in any manner or degree.
  • craning β€” any large wading bird of the family Gruidae, characterized by long legs, bill, and neck and an elevated hind toe.
  • downing β€” a downward movement; descent.
  • hypnotize β€” to put in the hypnotic state.
  • arm-twist β€” to subject to arm-twisting: The unions arm-twisted the government into negotiating by threatening widespread strikes.
  • operate β€” to work, perform, or function, as a machine does: This engine does not operate properly.
  • humored β€” a comic, absurd, or incongruous quality causing amusement: the humor of a situation.
  • delectated β€” to please; charm; delight.
  • hexed β€” to bewitch; practice witchcraft on: He was accused of hexing his neighbors' cows because they suddenly stopped giving milk.
  • arm-twisting β€” persuasion
  • accessing β€” the ability, right, or permission to approach, enter, speak with, or use; admittance: They have access to the files.
  • bunking β€” a built-in platform bed, as on a ship.
  • come to β€” When someone who is unconscious comes to, they recover consciousness.
  • anaesthetize β€” When a doctor or other trained person anaesthetizes a patient, they make the patient unconscious or unable to feel pain by giving them an anaesthetic.
  • misdirected β€” Simple past tense and past participle of misdirect.
  • make a killing β€” If you make a killing, you make a large profit very quickly and easily.
  • lay hold of β€” to seize or grasp
  • ingratiate β€” to establish (oneself or someone else) in the favor or good graces of someone, especially by deliberate effort (usually followed by with): He ingratiated himself with all the guests. She ingratiated her colleagues with her well-researched project proposal.
  • woo β€” to seek the favor, affection, or love of, especially with a view to marriage. Synonyms: court, pursue, chase.
  • blow away β€” If you say that you are blown away by something, or if it blows you away, you mean that you are very impressed by it.
  • get to β€” to receive or come to have possession, use, or enjoyment of: to get a birthday present; to get a pension.
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