
All upgrade antonyms

U u

verb upgrade

  • deprave β€” Something that depraves someone makes them morally bad or evil.
  • benching β€” a long seat for several persons: a bench in the park.
  • dissing β€” to show disrespect for; affront.
  • disimprove β€” (transitive, rare) to make worse.
  • depreciate β€” If something such as a currency depreciates or if something depreciates it, it loses some of its original value.
  • insult β€” to treat or speak to insolently or with contemptuous rudeness; affront.
  • break down β€” If a machine or a vehicle breaks down, it stops working.
  • declass β€” to lower in social status or position; degrade
  • depress β€” If someone or something depresses you, they make you feel sad and disappointed.
  • muck up β€” a bungled or disordered situation; foul-up.
  • dump on β€” to drop or let fall in a mass; fling down or drop heavily or suddenly: Dump the topsoil here.
  • adulterate β€” If something such as food or drink is adulterated, someone has made its quality worse by adding water or cheaper products to it.
  • denature β€” to change the nature of
  • dispraise β€” to speak of as undeserving or unworthy; censure; disparage.
  • degrade β€” Something that degrades someone causes people to have less respect for them.
  • brutalize β€” If an unpleasant experience brutalizes someone, it makes them cruel or violent.
  • downgrade β€” a downward slope, especially of a road.
  • coarsen β€” If something coarsens or is coarsened, it becomes thicker or rougher in texture.
  • messing β€” a dirty, untidy, or disordered condition: The room was in a mess.
  • mucking β€” moist farmyard dung, decaying vegetable matter, etc.; manure.
  • humble β€” not proud or arrogant; modest: to be humble although successful.
  • debase β€” To debase something means to reduce its value or quality.
  • bad mouth β€” Slang. to speak critically and often disloyally of; disparage: Why do you bad-mouth your family so much?
  • impair β€” to make or cause to become worse; diminish in ability, value, excellence, etc.; weaken or damage: to impair one's health; to impair negotiations.
  • make a fool of β€” To cause (someone) to seem foolish.
  • be-little β€” to regard or portray as less impressive or important than appearances indicate; depreciate; disparage.
  • diminish β€” to make or cause to seem smaller, less, less important, etc.; lessen; reduce.
  • demoralise β€” to deprive (a person or persons) of spirit, courage, discipline, etc.; destroy the morale of: The continuous barrage demoralized the infantry.
  • canker β€” A canker is something evil that spreads and affects things or people.
  • begrime β€” to make dirty; soil
  • humiliate β€” to cause (a person) a painful loss of pride, self-respect, or dignity; mortify.
  • misemploy β€” to use for the wrong purpose; use wrongly or improperly; misuse.
  • debauch β€” to lead into a life of depraved self-indulgence
  • disconfirm β€” to prove to be invalid.

noun upgrade

  • downcome β€” a downcomer.
  • obliqueness β€” The characteristic of being oblique.
  • obliquity β€” the state of being oblique.
  • degradation β€” You use degradation to refer to a situation, condition, or experience which you consider shameful and disgusting, especially one which involves poverty or immorality.
  • degringolade β€” a rapid descent or deterioration
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