

R r


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Definitions of rss word

  • abbreviation Technical meaning of RSS Rich Site Summary 3
  • noun Definition of rss in Technology (web, standard)   (RSS, blog, feed) A family of standard web document types containing regularly updated, short articles or news items. RSS documents (generally called "RSS feeds", "news feeds" or just "feeds") can be read with an RSS reader like BottomFeeder or Feedly. These are sometimes called "aggregators" because they combine multiple RSS feeds which the user can browse as a single list. The RSS reader tracks which articles the use has read, and is typically set to show only new articles, hence the idea of a "feed" or flow of new items. Most RSS feeds are based on RDF. RDF is a structured document format for describing textual resources such as news articles available on the web. RSS originally stood for "RDF Site Summary" as it was designed to provide short descriptions of (changes to) a website. Because it provides a standard way to deliver, or "syndicate", news or updates from one site to another, RSS is sometimes expanded as "Really Simple Syndication". It is closely associated with blogs, most of which provide an RSS feed of articles. 1
  • uncountable noun rss RSS is a way of allowing Internet users to receive the most recent news from particular websites as soon as it is published. 0
  • abbreviation RSS Rich Site Summary: a way of allowing web users to receive news headlines and updates on their browser from selected websites as soon as they are published 0
  • abbreviation RSS (as modifier) 0
  • abbreviation RSS Really Simple Syndication: a way of allowing web users to receive syndicated newsletters and email alerts 0

Information block about the term

Parts of speech for Rss


rss popularity

A pretty common term. Usually people know it’s meaning, but prefer to use a more spread out synonym. About 55% of English native speakers know the meaning and use word.
Most Europeans know this English word. The frequency of it’s usage is somewhere between "mom" and "screwdriver".

Top questions with rss

  • what is rss?
  • what is an rss feed?
  • what is rss feed?
  • what is rss feeder?
  • what does rss stand for?
  • what are rss feeds?
  • what is a rss feeder?
  • what is a rss feed?
  • what does rss feed mean?
  • how does rss work?
  • what does rss mean?
  • how to create and rss feed?
  • how to create an rss feed?
  • how to use rss?
  • how to make an rss feed?

See also

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