
ALL meanings of go bad

go bad
G g
  • adjective go bad suffering from sickness, ill health, pain, or injury; sick; ill: He felt bad from eating the green apples. 1
  • verbal expression go bad person: start behaving immorally 1
  • adjective go bad not healthy or in good physical condition; diseased, decayed, or physically weakened: A bad heart kept him out of the army. 1
  • adjective go bad tainted, spoiled, or rotten, especially to the point of being inedible: The meat is bad because you left it out of the refrigerator too long. 1
  • adjective go bad having a disastrous or detrimental effect, result, or tendency; unfavorable: The drought is bad for the farmers. His sloppy appearance made a bad impression. 1
  • adjective go bad causing or characterized by discomfort, inconvenience, uneasiness, or annoyance; disagreeable; unpleasant: I had a bad flight to Chicago. 1
  • adjective go bad easily provoked to anger; irascible: a bad temper. 1
  • adjective go bad cross, irritable, or surly: If I don't have my morning coffee, I'm in a bad mood all day. 1
  • adjective go bad more uncomfortable, persistent, painful, or dangerous than usual; severe: a bad attack of asthma. 1
  • adjective go bad causing or resulting in disaster or severe damage or destruction: a bad flood. 1
  • adjective go bad regretful, contrite, dejected, or upset: He felt bad about having to leave the children all alone. 1
  • adjective go bad disobedient, naughty, or misbehaving: If you're bad at school, you'll go to bed without supper. 1
  • adjective go bad disreputable or dishonorable: He's getting a bad name from changing jobs so often. 1
  • adjective go bad displaying a lack of skill, talent, proficiency, or judgment: a bad painting; Bad drivers cause most of the accidents. 1
  • adjective go bad causing distress; unfortunate or unfavorable: I'm afraid I have bad news for you. 1
  • adjective go bad not suitable or appropriate; disadvantageous or dangerous: It was a bad day for fishing. 1
  • adjective go bad inclement; considered too stormy, hot, cold, etc.: We had a bad winter with a lot of snow. 1
  • adjective go bad disagreeable or offensive to the senses: a bad odor. 1
  • adjective go bad exhibiting a lack of artistic sensitivity: The room was decorated in bad taste. 1
  • adjective go bad not in keeping with a standard of behavior or conduct; coarse: bad manners. 1
  • adjective go bad vulgar, obscene, or blasphemous: bad language. not properly observing rules or customs of grammar, usage, spelling, etc.; incorrect: He speaks bad English. 1
  • adjective go bad unattractive, especially because of a lack of pleasing proportions: She has a bad figure. 1
  • adjective go bad (of the complexion) marred by defects; pockmarked or pimply; blemished: bad skin. 1
  • adjective go bad not profitable or worth the price paid: The land was a bad buy. 1
  • adjective go bad Commerce. deemed uncollectible or irrecoverable and treated as a loss: a bad debt. 1
  • adjective go bad ill-spent; wasted: Don't throw good money after bad money. 1
  • adjective go bad counterfeit; not genuine: There was a bad ten-dollar bill in with the change. 1
  • adjective go bad having the character of a villain; villainous: In the movies the good guys always beat the bad guys. 1
  • adjective go bad Sports. failing to land within the in-bounds limits of a court or section of a court; missing the mark; not well aimed. 1
  • adjective go bad Slang. outstandingly excellent; first-rate: He's a bad man on drums, and the fans love him. 1
  • noun go bad that which is bad: You have to take the bad with the good. 1
  • noun go bad a bad condition, character, or quality: His health seemed to go from bad to worse. 1
  • noun go bad (used with a plural verb) evil persons collectively (usually preceded by the): The bad are always stirring up trouble. 1
  • adverb go bad badly: He wanted it bad enough to steal it. 1
  • idioms go bad bad off, in poor or distressed condition or circumstances; destitute: His family has been pretty bad off since he lost his job. Also, badly off. Compare well-off. 1
  • idioms go bad go to the bad, to deteriorate physically or morally; go to ruin: She wept at seeing her son go to the bad. 1
  • idioms go bad in a bad way, in severe trouble or distress. 1
  • idioms go bad in bad, Informal. in trouble or distress. in disfavor: He's in bad with his father-in-law. 1
  • idioms go bad my bad, Slang. my fault! my mistake! 1
  • idioms go bad not bad, tolerably good; not without merit: The dinner wasn't bad, but I've had better. not difficult: Once you know geometry, trigonometry isn't bad. Also, not so bad, not too bad. 1
  • idioms go bad too bad, unfortunate or disappointing: It's too bad that he didn't go to college. 1
  • idioms go bad to the bad, in arrears: He's $100 to the bad on his debt. 1
  • noun go bad The adjective bad meaning “unpleasant, unattractive, unfavorable, spoiled, etc.,” is the usual form to follow such copulative verbs as sound, smell, look, and taste: After the rainstorm the water tasted bad. The coach says the locker room smells bad. After the copulative verb feel, the adjective badly in reference to physical or emotional states is also used and is standard, although bad is more common in formal writing:  I feel bad from overeating. She felt badly about her friend's misfortune.   When the adverbial use is required, badly is standard with all verbs:  She reacted badly to the criticism.  Bad as an adverb appears mainly in informal contexts:  I didn't do too bad on the tests. He wants money so bad it hurts.  See also badly, good.   1
  • adjective go bad not good in any manner or degree. 1
  • adjective go bad having a wicked or evil character; morally reprehensible: There is no such thing as a bad boy. 1
  • adjective go bad of poor or inferior quality; defective; deficient: a bad diamond; a bad spark plug. 1
  • adjective go bad inadequate or below standard; not satisfactory for use: bad heating; Living conditions in some areas are very bad. 1
  • adjective go bad inaccurate, incorrect, or faulty: a bad guess. 1
  • adjective go bad invalid, unsound, or false: a bad insurance claim; bad judgment. 1
  • adjective go bad causing or liable to cause sickness or ill health; injurious or harmful: Too much sugar is bad for your teeth. 1
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