
ALL meanings of housing

H h
  • noun housing Houses and apartments considered collectively. 1
  • noun housing a covering of cloth for the back and flanks of a horse or other animal, for protection or ornament. 1
  • noun housing housings, the trappings on a horse. 1
  • noun plural housing a building in which people live; residence for human beings. 1
  • noun plural housing a household. 1
  • noun plural housing (often initial capital letter) a family, including ancestors and descendants: the great houses of France; the House of Hapsburg. 1
  • noun plural housing a building for any purpose: a house of worship. 1
  • noun plural housing a theater, concert hall, or auditorium: a vaudeville house. 1
  • noun plural housing the audience of a theater or the like. 1
  • noun plural housing a place of shelter for an animal, bird, etc. 1
  • noun plural housing the building in which a legislative or official deliberative body meets. 1
  • noun plural housing (initial capital letter) the body itself, especially of a bicameral legislature: the House of Representatives. 1
  • noun plural housing a quorum of such a body. 1
  • noun plural housing (often initial capital letter) a commercial establishment; business firm: the House of Rothschild; a publishing house. 1
  • noun plural housing a gambling casino. 1
  • noun plural housing the management of a commercial establishment or of a gambling casino: rules of the house. 1
  • noun plural housing an advisory or deliberative group, especially in church or college affairs. 1
  • noun plural housing a college in an English-type university. 1
  • noun plural housing a residential hall in a college or school; dormitory. 1
  • noun plural housing the members or residents of any such residential hall. 1
  • noun plural housing Informal. a brothel; whorehouse. 1
  • noun plural housing British. a variety of lotto or bingo played with paper and pencil, especially by soldiers as a gambling game. 1
  • noun plural housing Also called parish. Curling. the area enclosed by a circle 12 or 14 feet (3.7 or 4.2 meters) in diameter at each end of the rink, having the tee in the center. 1
  • noun plural housing Nautical. any enclosed shelter above the weather deck of a vessel: bridge house; deck house. 1
  • noun plural housing Astrology. one of the 12 divisions of the celestial sphere, numbered counterclockwise from the point of the eastern horizon. 1
  • verb with object housing to put or receive into a house, dwelling, or living quarters: More than 200 students were housed in the dormitory. 1
  • verb with object housing to give shelter to; harbor; lodge: to house flood victims in schools. 1
  • verb with object housing to provide with a place to work, study, or the like: This building houses our executive staff. 1
  • verb with object housing to provide storage space for; be a receptacle for or repository of: The library houses 600,000 books. 1
  • verb with object housing to remove from exposure; put in a safe place. 1
  • verb with object housing Nautical. to stow securely. to lower (an upper mast) and make secure, as alongside the lower mast. to heave (an anchor) home. 1
  • verb with object housing Carpentry. to fit the end or edge of (a board or the like) into a notch, hole, or groove. to form (a joint) between two pieces of wood by fitting the end or edge of one into a dado of the other. 1
  • verb without object housing to take shelter; dwell. 1
  • adjective housing of, relating to, or noting a house. 1
  • adjective housing for or suitable for a house: house paint. 1
  • adjective housing of or being a product made by or for a specific retailer and often sold under the store's own label: You'll save money on the radio if you buy the house brand. 1
  • adjective housing served by a restaurant as its customary brand: the house wine. 1
  • idioms housing bring down the house, to call forth vigorous applause from an audience; be highly successful: The children's performances brought down the house. 1
  • idioms housing clean house. clean (def 47). 1
  • idioms housing dress the house, Theater. to fill a theater with many people admitted on free passes; paper the house. to arrange or space the seating of patrons in such a way as to make an audience appear larger or a theater or nightclub more crowded than it actually is. 1
  • idioms housing keep house, to maintain a home; manage a household. 1
  • idioms housing like a house on fire / afire, very quickly; with energy or enthusiasm: The new product took off like a house on fire. 1
  • idioms housing on the house, as a gift from the management; free: Tonight the drinks are on the house. 1
  • idioms housing put / set one's house in order, to settle one's affairs. to improve one's behavior or correct one's faults: It is easy to criticize others, but it would be better to put one's own house in order first. 1
  • noun housing for a family 1
  • noun housing casing for object 1
  • noun housing industry, economy 1
  • noun housing group of houses 1
  • uncountable noun housing You refer to the buildings in which people live as housing when you are talking about their standard, price, or availability. 0
  • uncountable noun housing Housing is the job of providing houses for people to live in. 0
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