
ALL meanings of long

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  • adverb long (used elliptically in referring to the length of an absence, delay, etc.): Will she be long? 1
  • adverb long throughout a specified period of time (usually used to emphasize a preceding noun): It's been muggy all summer long. 1
  • adverb long at a point of time far distant from the time indicated: long before. 1
  • idioms long as long as, provided that: As long as you can come by six, I'll be here. seeing that; since: As long as you're going to the grocery anyway, buy me a pint of ice cream. Also, so long as. during the time that; through the period that: As long as we were neighbors, they never invited us inside their house. 1
  • idioms long before long, soon: We should have news of her whereabouts before long. 1
  • idioms long the long and the short of, the point or gist of; substance of: The long and the short of it is that they will be forced to sell all their holdings. Also, the long and short of. 1
  • verb without object long Archaic. to be suitable or fitting. 1
  • verb without object long Obsolete. to be the possession; belong. 1
  • adverb long Long means a great amount of time or for a great amount of time. 0
  • adjective long A long event or period of time lasts for a great amount of time or takes a great amount of time. 0
  • adverb long You use long to ask or talk about amounts of time. 0
  • adverb long Long is also an adjective. 0
  • noun long (linguistics) A long vowel. 0
  • adverb long Long is also a combining form. 0
  • noun long (programming) A long integer variable, twice the size of an int, two or four times the size of a short, and half of a long long. 0
  • adjective long A long speech, book, film, or list contains a lot of information or a lot of items and takes a lot of time to listen to, read, watch, or deal with. 0
  • noun long (finance) An entity with a long position in an asset. 0
  • adjective long If you describe a period of time or work as long, you mean it lasts for more hours or days than is usual, or seems to last for more time than it actually does. 0
  • noun long (music) A note formerly used in music, one half the length of a large, twice that of a breve. 0
  • adjective long If someone has a long memory, they are able to remember things that happened far back in the past. 0
  • noun long longitude. 0
  • adverb long Long is used in expressions such as all year long, the whole day long, and your whole life long to say and emphasize that something happens for the whole of a particular period of time. 0
  • verb long (Transitive Verb) (finance) To take a long position in. 0
  • adjective long Something that is long measures a great distance from one end to the other. 0
  • verb long (Intransitive Verb) To await, to aspire, to desire greatly (something to occur or to be true). 0
  • adjective long A long distance is a great distance. A long journey or route covers a great distance. 0
  • verb long (archaic) To be appropriate to, to pertain or belong to. 0
  • adjective long A long piece of clothing covers the whole of someone's legs or more of their legs than usual. Clothes with long sleeves cover the whole of someone's arms. 0
  • adjective long Having great duration. 0
  • adjective long You use long to talk or ask about the distance something measures from one end to the other. 0
  • adjective long Seemingly lasting a lot of time, because it is boring or tedious or tiring. 0
  • graded adjective long If you describe a distance as long, you mean it seems to be greater than it actually is. 0
  • adjective long (Britain, dialect) Not short; tall. 0
  • verb long If you long for something, you want it very much. 0
  • adjective long (finance) Possessing or owning stocks, bonds, commodities or other financial instruments with the aim of benefiting of the expected rise in their value. 0
  • adjective long having relatively great extent in space on a horizontal plane 0
  • adjective long (cricket) Of a fielding position, close to the boundary (or closer to the boundary than the equivalent short position). 0
  • adjective long having relatively great duration in time 0
  • adjective long (tennis, of a ball or a shot) That land beyond the baseline (and therefore is out). 0
  • adjective long of a specified number of units in extent or duration 0
  • adjective long (Obsolete (No longer in use)) Occurring or coming after an extended interval; distant in time; far away. 0
  • adjective long (in combination) 0
  • adjective long (archaic) On account of, because of. 0
  • adjective long having or consisting of a relatively large number of items or parts 0
  • adverb long Over a great distance in space. 0
  • adjective long having greater than the average or expected range 0
  • adverb long For a particular duration. 0
  • adjective long being the longer or longest of alternatives 0
  • adverb long For a long duration. 0
  • adjective long having more than the average or usual quantity, extent, or duration 0
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