
ALL meanings of party

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  • noun party social gathering 1
  • noun party political group 1
  • noun party individual or group in a legal dispute 1
  • adjective party involved in sth 1
  • noun party group 1
  • noun party team 1
  • abbreviation PARTY person 1
  • noun party military: detachment 1
  • abbreviation PARTY partisanship 1
  • noun party of or for a party 1
  • intransitive verb party go to parties 1
  • intransitive verb party drink alcohol 1
  • noun plural party a social gathering, as of invited guests at a private home, for conversation, refreshments, entertainment, etc.: a cocktail party. 1
  • noun plural party a group gathered for a special purpose or task: a fishing party; a search party. 1
  • noun plural party a detachment, squad, or detail of troops assigned to perform some particular mission or service. 1
  • noun plural party a group of persons with common purposes or opinions who support one side of a dispute, question, debate, etc. 1
  • noun plural party a group of persons with common political opinions and purposes organized for gaining political influence and governmental control and for directing government policy: the Republican Party; the Democratic Party. 1
  • noun plural party the system of taking sides on public or political questions or the like. 1
  • noun plural party attachment or devotion to one side or faction; partisanship: to put considerations of party first. 1
  • noun plural party Law. one of the litigants in a legal proceeding; a plaintiff or defendant in a suit. a signatory to a legal instrument. a person participating in or otherwise privy to a crime. 1
  • noun plural party a person or group that participates in some action, affair, plan, etc.; participant: He was a party to the merger deal. 1
  • noun plural party the person under consideration; a specific individual: Look at the party in the green velvet shorts. 1
  • noun plural party a person or, usually, two or more persons together patronizing a restaurant, attending a social or cultural function, etc.: The headwaiter asked how many were in our party; a party of 12 French physicists touring the labs; a party of one at the small table. 1
  • noun plural party a person participating in a telephone conversation: I have your party on the line. 1
  • noun plural party any occasion or activity likened to a social party, as specified; session: The couple in the next apartment are having their usual dish-throwing party. 1
  • noun plural party an advantageous or pleasurable situation or combination of circumstances of some duration and often of questionable character; period of content, license, exemption, etc.: The police broke in and suddenly the party was over for the nation's most notorious gunman. 1
  • adjective party of or relating to a party or faction; partisan: party leaders. 1
  • adjective party of or for a social gathering: her new party dress. 1
  • adjective party being shared by or pertaining to two or more persons or things. 1
  • adjective party Heraldry. (of an escutcheon) having the field divided into a number of parts, usually two; parted. 1
  • verb without object party to go to or give parties, especially a series of parties. 1
  • verb without object party to enjoy oneself thoroughly and without restraint; indulge in pleasure. 1
  • countable noun party A party is a political organization whose members have similar aims and beliefs. Usually the organization tries to get its members elected to the government of a country. 0
  • countable noun party A party is a social event, often in someone's home, at which people enjoy themselves doing things such as eating, drinking, dancing, talking, or playing games. 0
  • verb party If you party, you enjoy yourself doing things such as going out to parties, drinking, dancing, and talking to people. 0
  • countable noun party A party of people is a group of people who are doing something together, for example travelling together. 0
  • countable noun party One of the people involved in a legal agreement or dispute can be referred to as a particular party. 0
  • noun party a social gathering for pleasure, often held as a celebration 0
  • noun party (as modifier) 0
  • noun party (in combination) 0
  • noun party a group of people associated in some activity 0
  • noun party a group of people organized together to further a common political aim, such as the election of its candidates to public office 0
  • noun party the practice of taking sides on public issues 0
  • noun party a person, esp one who participates in some activity such as entering into a contract 0
  • noun party the person or persons taking part in legal proceedings, such as plaintiff or prosecutor 0
  • noun party a person 0
  • verb party to celebrate; revel 0
  • adjective party (of a shield) divided vertically into two colours, metals, or furs 0
  • noun party a group of people working together to establish or promote particular theories or principles of government which they hold in common; esp., an organized political group which seeks to elect its candidates to office and thus to direct government policies 0
  • noun party any group of persons acting together 0
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