
ALL meanings of squares

S s
  • noun squares a rectangle having all four sides of equal length. 1
  • noun squares anything having this form or a form approximating it, as a city block, rectangular piece of candy, etc. 1
  • noun squares an open area or plaza in a city or town, formed by the meeting or intersecting of two or more streets and often planted with grass, trees, etc., in the center. 1
  • noun squares a rectangularly shaped area on a game board, as in chess or checkers. 1
  • noun squares a try square, T square, or the like. 1
  • noun squares Mathematics. the second power of a quantity, expressed as a2 = a × a, where a is the quantity. a quantity that is the second power of another: Four is the square of two. 1
  • noun squares Slang. a person who is ignorant of or uninterested in current fads, ideas, manners, tastes, etc.; an old-fashioned, conventional, or conservative person. 1
  • noun squares Military. (formerly) a body of troops drawn up in quadrilateral form. 1
  • noun squares Building Trades. a unit of measure for roofing materials, equal to 100 square feet (9.3 sq. m). 1
  • noun squares a flower bud of the cotton plant. 1
  • noun squares Nautical. the area at the bottom of a hatchway. 1
  • noun squares Usually, squares. Informal. a square meal: to get three squares a day. 1
  • noun squares Astrology. a situation in which two heavenly bodies or groups of heavenly bodies have celestial longitudes differing by 90 degrees, an aspect indicative of internal tension with an equally strong and conflicting need for adjustment. 1
  • noun squares Obsolete. a pattern, standard, or example. 1
  • verb with object squares to reduce to square, rectangular, or cubical form (often followed by off): He squared off the log to make a timber for his house. 1
  • verb with object squares to mark out in one or more squares or rectangles. 1
  • verb with object squares to test with measuring devices for deviation from a right angle, straight line, or plane surface. 1
  • verb with object squares Mathematics. to multiply (a number or quantity) by itself; raise to the second power. to describe or find a square that is equivalent in area to: to square a circle. 1
  • verb with object squares to bring to the form of a right angle or right angles; set at right angles to something else. 1
  • verb with object squares to even the score of (a contest): to square a game. 1
  • verb with object squares to set (the shoulders and back) in an erect posture so they form an angle similar to a right angle. 1
  • verb with object squares to make straight, level, or even: Square the cloth on the table. 1
  • verb with object squares to regulate, as by a standard; adapt; adjust. 1
  • verb with object squares to adjust harmoniously or satisfactorily (often followed by with): How could you square such actions with your conscience? 1
  • verb with object squares to balance; pay off; settle: to square a debt. 1
  • verb with object squares Slang. to secure a desired action or attitude by means of bribery; bribe. 1
  • verb without object squares to accord or agree (often followed by with): Your theory does not square with the facts. 1
  • verb without object squares to settle, even, or balance a matter, as by paying a bill, returning a favor, or tying a score. 1
  • verb without object squares (of a cotton plant) to form buds. 1
  • adjective squares formed by or as a right angle; having some part or parts rectangular: a square corner. 1
  • adjective squares having four sides and four right angles in two dimensions or three pairs of parallel sides meeting at right angles in three dimensions; having each dimension in the shape of a square or rectangle and all angles right angles: a square box. 1
  • adjective squares noting any unit of area measurement having the form of a square and designated by a unit of linear measurement forming a side of the square: one square foot. 1
  • adjective squares noting a system of area measurement in terms of such units. 1
  • adjective squares (of an area) equal to a square of a specified length on a side: five miles square. 1
  • adjective squares at right angles, or perpendicular. 1
  • adjective squares Nautical. at right angles to the mast and the keel, as a yard. 1
  • adjective squares having a square or rectangular section: a square bar. 1
  • adjective squares having a solid, sturdy form, especially when characterized by a rectilinear or angular outline. 1
  • adjective squares straight, level, or even, as a surface. 1
  • adjective squares leaving no balance of debt on either side; having all accounts settled: I'm all square with my landlord. 1
  • adjective squares just, fair, or honest. 1
  • adjective squares straightforward, direct, or unequivocal. 1
  • adjective squares Slang. conventional or conservative in style or outlook; not hip. 1
  • adverb squares so as to be square; in square or rectangular form. 1
  • adverb squares at right angles. 1
  • adverb squares fairly or honestly. 1
  • adverb squares directly or straightforwardly. 1
  • idioms squares on the square, at right angles. Informal. straightforward; honest; just: Their dealings with us have always been on the square. 1
  • idioms squares out of square, not at right angles. not in agreement; incorrect; irregular: The inspector's conclusions are out of square with his earlier report. 1
  • idioms squares square the circle, to strive without chance of success; attempt the impossible. 1
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