
ALL meanings of striking

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  • verb with object striking to inflict, deliver, or deal (a blow, stroke, attack, etc.). 1
  • verb with object striking to drive so as to cause impact: to strike the hands together. 1
  • verb with object striking to thrust forcibly: Brutus struck a dagger into the dying Caesar. 1
  • verb with object striking to produce (fire, sparks, light, etc.) by percussion, friction, etc. 1
  • verb with object striking to cause (a match) to ignite by friction. 1
  • verb with object striking (of some natural or supernatural agency) to smite or blast: Lightning struck the spire. May God strike you dead! 1
  • verb with object striking to come into forcible contact or collision with; hit into or against: The ship struck a rock. 1
  • verb with object striking to reach or fall upon (the senses), as light or sound: A shrill peal of bells struck their ears. 1
  • verb with object striking to enter the mind of; occur to: A happy thought struck him. 1
  • verb with object striking to catch or arrest (the sight, hearing, etc.): the first object that strikes one's eye. 1
  • verb with object striking to impress strongly: a picture that strikes one's fancy. 1
  • verb with object striking to impress in a particular manner: How does it strike you? 1
  • verb with object striking to come across, meet with, or encounter suddenly or unexpectedly: to strike the name of a friend in a newspaper. 1
  • verb with object striking to come upon or find (oil, ore, etc.) in drilling, prospecting, or the like. 1
  • verb with object striking to send down or put forth (a root), as a plant or cutting. 1
  • verb with object striking to arrive at or achieve by or as by balancing: to strike a balance; to strike a compromise. 1
  • verb with object striking to take apart or pull down (a structure or object, as a tent). 1
  • verb with object striking to remove from the stage (the scenery and properties of an act or scene): to strike a set. 1
  • verb with object striking Nautical. to lower or take down (a sail, mast, etc.). to lower (a sail, flag, etc.) as a salute or as a sign of surrender. to lower (something) into the hold of a vessel by means of a rope and tackle. 1
  • verb with object striking Falconry. to loosen (a hood) from the head of a hawk so that it may be instantly removed. 1
  • verb with object striking Angling. to hook (a fish that has taken the bait) by making a sharp jerk on the line. (of a fish) to snatch at (the bait). 1
  • verb with object striking to harpoon (a whale). 1
  • verb with object striking (in technical use) to make level or smooth. 1
  • verb with object striking to make level or even, as a measure of grain or salt, by drawing a strickle across the top. 1
  • verb with object striking to efface, cancel, or cross out, with or as with the stroke of a pen (usually followed by out): to strike a passage out of a book. 1
  • verb with object striking to impress or stamp (a coin, medal, etc.) by printing or punching: to strike a medal in commemoration. 1
  • verb with object striking to remove or separate with or as if with a cut (usually followed by off): Illness struck him off from social contacts. The butcher struck off a chop. 1
  • verb with object striking Masonry. to finish (a mortar joint) with a stroke of the trowel. 1
  • verb with object striking to indicate (the hour of day) by a stroke or strokes, as a clock: to strike 12. 1
  • verb with object striking to afflict suddenly, as with disease, suffering, or death (often followed by down): The plague struck Europe. Apoplexy struck him down. 1
  • verb with object striking to overwhelm emotionally, as with terror or fear; affect deeply. 1
  • verb with object striking to make blind, dumb, etc., suddenly, as if by a blow. 1
  • verb with object striking to implant or induce (a feeling): to strike fear into a person. 1
  • verb with object striking to start or move suddenly into (vigorous movement): The horse struck a gallop. 1
  • verb with object striking to assume (an attitude or posture): He likes to strike a noble pose. 1
  • verb with object striking to cause (chill, warmth, etc.) to pass or penetrate quickly. 1
  • verb with object striking to come upon or reach in traveling or in a course of procedure: We struck Rome before dark. 1
  • verb with object striking to make, conclude, or ratify (an agreement, treaty, etc.). 1
  • verb with object striking to estimate or determine (a mean or average). 1
  • verb with object striking to leave off (work) or stop (working) as a coercive measure, or as at the close of the day. 1
  • verb with object striking to declare or engage in a suspension of (work) until an employer grants certain demands, such as pay increases, an improved pension plan, etc. to declare or engage in a suspension of work against (a factory, employer, industry, etc.) until certain demands are met. 1
  • verb with object striking to draw (a straight line); paint the edge of an area with (a regular, usually straight line). 1
  • verb with object striking Law. to choose (a jury) from a panel by striking off names until only the required number remains. 1
  • verb without object striking to deal or aim a blow or stroke, as with the fist, a weapon, or a hammer. 1
  • verb without object striking to make an attack, especially a planned military assault: Our troops struck at dawn. 1
  • verb without object striking to knock, rap, or tap. 1
  • verb without object striking to hit or dash on or against something, as a moving body does; come into forcible contact; collide. 1
  • verb without object striking to run upon a bank, rock, or other obstacle, as a ship does. 1
  • verb without object striking to fall, as light or sound does (followed by on or upon). 1
  • verb without object striking to make an impression on the mind, senses, etc., as something seen or heard. 1
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