
Sentences with anticipatory

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  • ...an anticipatory smile.
  • The children were all wearing anticipatory grins in the minutes before the cake was served.
  • We have taken some anticipatory measures and will not be affected by the new ruling.
  • March in New York is a restless time, an anticipatory time, hopeful yet apprehensive.
  • She found that she was less bothered by hot flashes and the attendant anticipatory anxiety about when the next hot flash would occur.
  • Rather than shouting, residents silently digested as much detail as they could, a series of anticipatory computations filled all heads as everybody tried to visualize the plan that would permanently change the neighbourhood.
  • The thought of his blind date gives him a rush of anticipatory nervous excitement.
  • Representatives of concerned residents held a meeting on Tuesday to discuss anticipatory measures to be taken in case of floods in the near future and the administration's lack of preparation.
  • There is an alternative claim for damages for anticipatory breach of contract.
  • At Jolimont Station today, two giggling girls approached the doors, falling all over one another in anticipatory mirth, they waited for the beep, opened the door a crack and threw in a small piece of paper.
  • Plodding and predictable, it seems unable to manufacture suspense from the kind of situation and setting that would have had Hitchcock rubbing his hands with anticipatory glee.
  • Even after we had become used to the fascinating jumble of treasures piled throughout the house our visits were marked by an anticipatory, nervous excitement.
  • With extraordinary promotional finesse, Buffalo Bill's Wild West heightened anticipatory excitement by plastering its tour route with colorful posters announcing upcoming show dates.
  • A constructive dismissal may arise by way of an anticipatory breach.
  • To live in the expectation that time will end permits the expression of chronic, anticipatory mourning for a world about to be lost, and supports a keen public interest in the history and archaeology of lost worlds.
  • At points during the album all the elements come together, and ‘Positive Tension’ provides a song that does exactly what the title suggests, bubbling with anticipatory riffs and lyrics.
  • The assumption has to be made that, had there been no anticipatory breach, the defendant would have performed his legal obligation and no more.
  • Outside, the first footprints of autumn were seen in the yellowing leaves of some of the older poplars and the increasing anticipatory excitement of the birds and squirrels.
  • It is the nineteenth century doctrine of anticipatory self-defence which claims a right to take necessary and proportionate action in self-defence when there is the danger of an imminent attack.
  • As will be argued, Rushdie's novel can be approached as an instance of a modernized fairy tale utopia, as well as a move from the sheer critique of the present state of things to the anticipatory vision of a more hospitable world.
  • The reader is kept in an anticipatory state of excitement which is gratified only in the release afforded by the final solution in the last pages.
  • Inside there was bustle and excited anticipatory chatter.
  • The Plaintiff takes the position that there is an anticipatory breach of contract by the Defendant.
  • Usually, once the story begins then I kind of relax into it, but there is sort of an anticipatory work up that happens.
  • He sweeps through the front gate of his old school in a blaze of — completely hypothetical — anticipatory, hubris-free glory.
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