
Sentences with proud

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  • I felt proud of his efforts. [+ of]
  • This must have been one of the proudest moments of his busy and hard working life.
  • Proud is the broadest term in this comparison, ranging in implication from proper self-esteem or pride to an overweening opinion of one's importance [too proud to beg, proud as a peacock]; arrogant implies an aggressive, unwarranted assertion of superior importance or privileges [the arrogant colonel]; haughty implies such consciousness of high station, rank, etc. as is displayed in scorn of those one considers beneath one [a haughty dowager]; insolent, in this connection, implies both haughtiness and great contempt, esp. as manifested in behavior or speech that insults or affronts others [she has an insolent disregard for her servant's feelings]; overbearing implies extreme, domineering insolence [an overbearing supervisor]; supercilious stresses an aloof, scornful manner toward others [a supercilious intellectual snob]; disdainful implies even stronger and more overt feelings of scorn for that which is regarded as beneath one
  • He was too proud to ask his family for help and support.
  • She was said to be proud and arrogant.
  • A proud moment
  • A proud fleet
  • A proud stallion
  • It was a proud day for him when his son entered college.
  • A proud achievement.
  • proud cities.
  • A proud name; proud nobles.
  • I'm proud to meet you.
  • A proud young stallion.
  • His conduct in such a difficult situation did him proud.
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