
All all ears synonyms

all ear
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adj all ears

  • careful β€” If you are careful, you give serious attention to what you are doing, in order to avoid harm, damage, or mistakes. If you are careful to do something, you make sure that you do it.
  • watchful β€” vigilant or alert; closely observant: The sentry remained watchful throughout the night.
  • wise β€” having the power of discerning and judging properly as to what is true or right; possessing discernment, judgment, or discretion.
  • wary β€” watchful; being on one's guard against danger.
  • observant β€” quick to notice or perceive; alert.
  • active β€” Someone who is active moves around a lot or does a lot of things.
  • bright β€” A bright colour is strong and noticeable, and not dark.
  • perceptive β€” having or showing keenness of insight, understanding, or intuition: a perceptive analysis of the problems involved.
  • wired β€” made of wire; consisting of or constructed with wires.
  • vigilant β€” keenly watchful to detect danger; wary: a vigilant sentry.
  • sharp β€” having a thin cutting edge or a fine point; well-adapted for cutting or piercing: a sharp knife.
  • careful β€” If you are careful, you give serious attention to what you are doing, in order to avoid harm, damage, or mistakes. If you are careful to do something, you make sure that you do it.
  • intelligent β€” having good understanding or a high mental capacity; quick to comprehend, as persons or animals: an intelligent student.
  • aware β€” If you are aware of something, you know about it.
  • interested β€” having an interest in something; concerned: Interested members will meet at noon.
  • conscientious β€” Someone who is conscientious is very careful to do their work properly.
  • tentative β€” of the nature of or made or done as a trial, experiment, or attempt; experimental: a tentative report on her findings.
  • judicious β€” using or showing judgment as to action or practical expediency; discreet, prudent, or politic: judicious use of one's money.
  • discreet β€” judicious in one's conduct or speech, especially with regard to respecting privacy or maintaining silence about something of a delicate nature; prudent; circumspect.
  • prudent β€” wise or judicious in practical affairs; sagacious; discreet or circumspect; sober.
  • leery β€” leer2 .
  • cautious β€” Someone who is cautious acts very carefully in order to avoid possible danger.
  • suspicious β€” tending to cause or excite suspicion; questionable: suspicious behavior.
  • ready β€” completely prepared or in fit condition for immediate action or use: troops ready for battle; Dinner is ready.
  • hip β€” hypochondria.
  • quick β€” done, proceeding, or occurring with promptness or rapidity, as an action, process, etc.; prompt; immediate: a quick response.
  • spirited β€” pertaining to something that works by burning alcoholic spirits: a spirit stove.
  • jazzed β€” music originating in New Orleans around the beginning of the 20th century and subsequently developing through various increasingly complex styles, generally marked by intricate, propulsive rhythms, polyphonic ensemble playing, improvisatory, virtuosic solos, melodic freedom, and a harmonic idiom ranging from simple diatonicism through chromaticism to atonality.
  • safe β€” secure from liability to harm, injury, danger, or risk: a safe place.
  • cagey β€” If you say that someone is being cagey about something, you mean that you think they are deliberately not giving you much information or expressing an opinion about it.
  • circumspect β€” If you are circumspect, you are cautious in what you do and say and do not take risks.
  • clever β€” Someone who is clever is intelligent and able to understand things easily or plan things well.
  • heedful β€” taking heed; attentive; mindful; thoughtful; careful: She was always heedful of others' needs.
  • on the ball β€” a spherical or approximately spherical body or shape; sphere: He rolled the piece of paper into a ball.
  • wide-awake β€” fully awake; with the eyes wide open.
  • with it β€” (in children's games) the player called upon to perform some task, as, in tag, the one who must catch the other players.
  • on the job β€” of or for a particular job or transaction.
  • on the lookout β€” keeping watch
  • on the qui vive β€” on the qui vive, on the alert; watchful: Special guards were on the qui vive for trespassers.
  • switched on β€” turned-on (def 1).
  • on one's toes β€” one of the terminal digits of the human foot.
  • alert β€” If you are alert, you are paying full attention to things around you and are able to deal with anything that might happen.
  • awake β€” Someone who is awake is not sleeping.
  • fascinated β€” to attract and hold attentively by a unique power, personal charm, unusual nature, or some other special quality; enthrall: a vivacity that fascinated the audience.
  • hooked β€” bent like a hook; hook-shaped.
  • immersed β€” plunged or sunk in or as if in a liquid.
  • intent β€” something that is intended; purpose; design; intention: The original intent of the committee was to raise funds.
  • listening β€” to give attention with the ear; attend closely for the purpose of hearing; give ear.
  • mindful β€” attentive, aware, or careful (usually followed by of): mindful of one's responsibilities.
  • preoccupied β€” completely engrossed in thought; absorbed.
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