
All allying synonyms

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verb allying

  • ease β€” freedom from labor, pain, or physical annoyance; tranquil rest; comfort: to enjoy one's ease.
  • relieve β€” to ease or alleviate (pain, distress, anxiety, need, etc.).
  • quiet β€” making no noise or sound, especially no disturbing sound: quiet neighbors.
  • soften β€” to make soft or softer.
  • settle β€” to appoint, fix, or resolve definitely and conclusively; agree upon (as time, price, or conditions).
  • becalm β€” to calm down
  • still β€” remaining in place or at rest; motionless; stationary: to stand still.
  • intertwine β€” Twist or twine together.
  • commingle β€” to mix or be mixed; blend
  • mix β€” to combine (substances, elements, things, etc.) into one mass, collection, or assemblage, generally with a thorough blending of the constituents.
  • harden β€” to make hard or harder: to harden steel.
  • solidify β€” to make solid; make into a hard or compact mass; change from a liquid or gaseous to a solid form.
  • blend β€” If you blend substances together or if they blend, you mix them together so that they become one substance.
  • interweave β€” to weave together, as threads, strands, branches, or roots.
  • incorporate β€” to form into a legal corporation.
  • join β€” to bring in contact, connect, or bring or put together: to join hands; to join pages with a staple.
  • associate β€” If you associate someone or something with another thing, the two are connected in your mind.
  • relate β€” to tell; give an account of (an event, circumstance, etc.).
  • annex β€” If a country annexes another country or an area of land, it seizes it and takes control of it.
  • unite β€” to join, combine, or incorporate so as to form a single whole or unit.
  • amalgamate β€” When two or more things, especially organizations, amalgamate or are amalgamated, they become one large thing.
  • combine β€” If you combine two or more things or if they combine, they exist together.
  • connect β€” If something or someone connects one thing to another, or if one thing connects to another, the two things are joined together.
  • confederate β€” Someone's confederates are the people they are working with in a secret activity.
  • ally β€” A country's ally is another country that has an agreement to support it, especially in war.
  • follow β€” to come after in sequence, order of time, etc.: The speech follows the dinner.
  • sympathize β€” to be in sympathy or agreement of feeling; share in a feeling (often followed by with).
  • affiliate β€” An affiliate is an organization which is officially connected with another, larger organization or is a member of it.
  • consolidate β€” If you consolidate something that you have, for example power or success, you strengthen it so that it becomes more effective or secure.
  • mingle β€” to become mixed, blended, or united.
  • alloy β€” An alloy is a metal that is made by mixing two or more types of metal together.
  • coalesce β€” If two or more things coalesce, they come together and form a larger group or system.

adj allying

  • agnate β€” related by descent from a common male ancestor
  • cognate β€” Cognate things are related to each other.
  • twin β€” either of two children or animals brought forth at a birth.
  • close β€” When you close something such as a door or lid or when it closes, it moves so that a hole, gap, or opening is covered.
  • matching β€” a person or thing that equals or resembles another in some respect.
  • same β€” identical with what is about to be or has just been mentioned: This street is the same one we were on yesterday.
  • uniform β€” identical or consistent, as from example to example, place to place, or moment to moment: uniform spelling; a uniform building code.
  • conforming β€” to act in accordance or harmony; comply (usually followed by to): to conform to rules.
  • resembling β€” to be like or similar to.
  • corresponding β€” parallel; equivalent
  • consonant β€” A consonant is a sound such as 'p', 'f', 'n', or 't' which you pronounce by stopping the air flowing freely through your mouth. Compare vowel.
  • parallel β€” parallel processing
  • double β€” twice as large, heavy, strong, etc.; twofold in size, amount, number, extent, etc.: a double portion; a new house double the size of the old one.
  • near β€” close; to a point or place not far away: Come near so I won't have to shout.
  • allied β€” Allied forces or troops are armies from different countries who are fighting on the same side in a war.
  • jibing β€” to utter mocking or scoffing words; jeer.
  • congeneric β€” belonging to the same group, esp (of animals or plants) belonging to the same genus
  • relating β€” to tell; give an account of (an event, circumstance, etc.).
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