
All apparitional synonyms

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adj apparitional

  • spooky β€” like or befitting a spook or ghost; suggestive of spooks.
  • spectral β€” of or relating to a specter; ghostly; phantom.
  • scary β€” causing fright or alarm.
  • eerie β€” uncanny, so as to inspire superstitious fear; weird: an eerie midnight howl.
  • shadowy β€” resembling a shadow in faintness, slightness, etc.: shadowy outlines.
  • supernatural β€” of, relating to, or being above or beyond what is natural; unexplainable by natural law or phenomena; abnormal.
  • ghastly β€” shockingly frightful or dreadful; horrible: a ghastly murder.
  • weird β€” involving or suggesting the supernatural; unearthly or uncanny: a weird sound; weird lights.
  • whimsical β€” given to whimsy or fanciful notions; capricious: a pixyish, whimsical fellow.
  • fantastic β€” conceived or appearing as if conceived by an unrestrained imagination; odd and remarkable; bizarre; grotesque: fantastic rock formations; fantastic designs.
  • abstract β€” An abstract idea or way of thinking is based on general ideas rather than on real things and events.
  • fictional β€” invented as part of a work of fiction: Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective.
  • unreal β€” not real or actual.
  • fanciful β€” characterized by or showing fancy; capricious or whimsical in appearance: a fanciful design of butterflies and flowers.
  • hypothetical β€” assumed by hypothesis; supposed: a hypothetical case.
  • theoretical β€” given to, forming, or dealing with theories; speculative.
  • ideal β€” a standard of perfection or excellence.
  • visionary β€” given to or characterized by fanciful, not presently workable, or unpractical ideas, views, or schemes: a visionary enthusiast.
  • incorporeal β€” not corporeal or material; insubstantial.
  • nonmaterial β€” not material or composed of matter.
  • cadaverous β€” If you describe someone as cadaverous, you mean they are extremely thin and pale.
  • divine β€” of or relating to a god, especially the Supreme Being.
  • haunted β€” inhabited or frequented by ghosts: a haunted castle.
  • holy β€” specially recognized as or declared sacred by religious use or authority; consecrated: holy ground.
  • illusory β€” causing illusion; deceptive; misleading.
  • insubstantial β€” not substantial or real; lacking substance: an insubstantial world of dreams.
  • pale β€” light-colored or lacking in color: a pale complexion; his pale face; a pale child. lacking the usual intensity of color due to fear, illness, stress, etc.: She looked pale and unwell when we visited her in the nursing home.
  • phantom β€” an apparition or specter.
  • spiritual β€” of, relating to, or consisting of spirit; incorporeal.
  • uncanny β€” having or seeming to have a supernatural or inexplicable basis; beyond the ordinary or normal; extraordinary: uncanny accuracy; an uncanny knack of foreseeing trouble.
  • unearthly β€” seeming not to belong to this earth or world: unearthly beauty.
  • wan β€” of an unnatural or sickly pallor; pallid; lacking color: His wan face suddenly flushed.
  • deathlike β€” resembling or suggestive of death
  • ghostlike β€” the soul of a dead person, a disembodied spirit imagined, usually as a vague, shadowy or evanescent form, as wandering among or haunting living persons.
  • phantasmal β€” pertaining to or of the nature of a phantasm; unreal; illusory; spectral: phantasmal creatures of nightmare.
  • vampiric β€” a preternatural being, commonly believed to be a reanimated corpse, that is said to suck the blood of sleeping persons at night.
  • wraithlike β€” an apparition of a living person supposed to portend his or her death.
  • apocryphal β€” An apocryphal story is one which is probably not true or did not happen, but which may give a true picture of someone or something.
  • assumed β€” false; fictitious
  • chimerical β€” wildly fanciful; imaginary
  • deceptive β€” If something is deceptive, it encourages you to believe something which is not true.
  • delusive β€” tending to delude; misleading
  • dreamy β€” of the nature of or characteristic of dreams; visionary.
  • fabulous β€” almost impossible to believe; incredible.
  • hallucinatory β€” pertaining to or characterized by hallucination: hallucinatory visions.
  • illusive β€” illusory.
  • imaginative β€” characterized by or bearing evidence of imagination: an imaginative tale.
  • legendary β€” of, relating to, or of the nature of a legend.
  • made-up β€” concocted; falsely fabricated or invented: a made-up story.
  • mythological β€” of or relating to mythology.
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