
All arduousness synonyms

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noun arduousness

  • predicament β€” an unpleasantly difficult, perplexing, or dangerous situation.
  • complication β€” A complication is a problem or difficulty that makes a situation harder to deal with.
  • dilemma β€” a situation requiring a choice between equally undesirable alternatives.
  • hardship β€” a condition that is difficult to endure; suffering; deprivation; oppression: a life of hardship.
  • hazard β€” an unavoidable danger or risk, even though often foreseeable: The job was full of hazards.
  • snag β€” a tree or part of a tree held fast in the bottom of a river, lake, etc., and forming an impediment or danger to navigation.
  • obstacle β€” something that obstructs or hinders progress.
  • struggle β€” to contend with an adversary or opposing force.
  • frustration β€” act of frustrating; state of being frustrated: the frustration of the president's efforts.
  • pain β€” physical suffering or distress, as due to injury, illness, etc.
  • trouble β€” to disturb the mental calm and contentment of; worry; distress; agitate.
  • deadlock β€” If a dispute or series of negotiations reaches deadlock, neither side is willing to give in at all and no agreement can be made.
  • crisis β€” A crisis is a situation in which something or someone is affected by one or more very serious problems.
  • adversity β€” an unfortunate event or incident
  • distress β€” great pain, anxiety, or sorrow; acute physical or mental suffering; affliction; trouble.
  • strait β€” Often, straits. (used with a singular verb) a narrow passage of water connecting two large bodies of water.
  • hitch β€” to fasten or tie, especially temporarily, by means of a hook, rope, strap, etc.; tether: Steve hitched the horse to one of the posts.
  • obstruction β€” something that obstructs, blocks, or closes up with an obstacle or obstacles; obstacle or hindrance: obstructions to navigation.
  • perplexity β€” the state of being perplexed; confusion; uncertainty.
  • quagmire β€” an area of miry or boggy ground whose surface yields under the tread; a bog.
  • check β€” Check is also a noun.
  • misfortune β€” adverse fortune; bad luck.
  • paradox β€” a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth.
  • awkwardness β€” lacking skill or dexterity. Synonyms: clumsy, inept; unskillful, unhandy, inexpert. Antonyms: deft, adroit, skillful, dexterous; handy.
  • fix β€” to repair; mend.
  • scrape β€” to deprive of or free from an outer layer, adhering matter, etc., or to smooth by drawing or rubbing something, especially a sharp or rough instrument, over the surface: to scrape a table to remove paint and varnish.
  • labor β€” productive activity, especially for the sake of economic gain.
  • tribulation β€” grievous trouble; severe trial or suffering.
  • mess β€” a dirty, untidy, or disordered condition: The room was in a mess.
  • muddle β€” to mix up in a confused or bungling manner; jumble.
  • crux β€” The crux of a problem or argument is the most important or difficult part of it which affects everything else.
  • stew β€” to cook (food) by simmering or slow boiling.
  • knot β€” either of two large sandpipers, Calidris canutus or C. tenuirostris, that breed in the Arctic and winter in the Southern Hemisphere.
  • strain β€” to draw tight or taut, especially to the utmost tension; stretch to the full: to strain a rope.
  • quandary β€” a state of perplexity or uncertainty, especially as to what to do; dilemma.
  • impasse β€” a position or situation from which there is no escape; deadlock.
  • barricade β€” A barricade is a line of vehicles or other objects placed across a road or open space to stop people getting past, for example during street fighting or as a protest.
  • hindrance β€” an impeding, stopping, preventing, or the like.
  • pickle β€” a single grain or kernel, as of barley or corn.
  • painful β€” affected with, causing, or characterized by pain: a painful wound; a painful night; a painful memory.
  • strenuousness β€” characterized by vigorous exertion, as action, efforts, life, etc.: a strenuous afternoon of hunting.
  • laboriousness β€” requiring much work, exertion, or perseverance: a laborious undertaking.
  • difficulty β€” the fact or condition of being difficult.
  • onerosity β€” burdensome, oppressive, or troublesome; causing hardship: onerous duties.
  • rigorous β€” characterized by rigor; rigidly severe or harsh, as people, rules, or discipline: rigorous laws.
  • operose β€” industrious, as a person.
  • labour β€” productive activity, especially for the sake of economic gain.
  • hot water β€” trouble; a predicament: His skipping classes will get him into real hot water when exam time comes.
  • stumbling block β€” an obstacle or hindrance to progress, belief, or understanding.
  • deep water β€” having, requiring, or operating in deep water: deepwater shipping; deepwater drilling for oil.
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