
All associative synonyms

A a

adj associative

  • collateral β€” Collateral is money or property which is used as a guarantee that someone will repay a loan.
  • coeval β€” of or belonging to the same age or generation
  • belonging β€” secure relationship; affinity (esp in the phrase a sense of belonging)
  • joint β€” the place at which two things, or separate parts of one thing, are joined or united, either rigidly or in such a way as to permit motion; juncture.
  • fellow β€” a man or boy: a fine old fellow; a nice little fellow.
  • complementary β€” Complementary things are different from each other but make a good combination.
  • incident β€” an individual occurrence or event.
  • contemporary β€” Contemporary things are modern and relate to the present time.
  • satellite β€” Astronomy. a natural body that revolves around a planet; a moon.
  • attending β€” having primary responsibility for a patient.
  • corollary β€” A corollary of something is an idea, argument, or fact that results directly from it.
  • coordinate β€” If you coordinate an activity, you organize the various people and things involved in it.
  • attendant β€” An attendant is someone whose job is to serve or help people in a place such as a petrol station, a car park, or a cloakroom.
  • accessory β€” Accessories are items of equipment that are not usually essential, but which can be used with or added to something else in order to make it more efficient, useful, or decorative.
  • coefficient β€” A coefficient is a number that expresses a measurement of a particular quality of a substance or object under specified conditions.
  • adjuvant β€” aiding or assisting
  • akin β€” If one thing is akin to another, it is similar to it in some way.
  • alike β€” If two or more things are alike, they are similar in some way.
  • close β€” When you close something such as a door or lid or when it closes, it moves so that a hole, gap, or opening is covered.
  • insular β€” of or relating to an island or islands: insular possessions.
  • like β€” in like manner with; similarly to; in the manner characteristic of: He works like a beaver.
  • narrow β€” of little breadth or width; not broad or wide; not as wide as usual or expected: a narrow path.
  • related β€” associated; connected.
  • reserved β€” kept in reserve; forming a reserve: a reserve fund; a reserve supply.
  • restrictive β€” tending or serving to restrict.
  • sectarian β€” of or relating to sectaries or sects.
  • unfriendly β€” not amicable; not friendly or kindly in disposition; unsympathetic; aloof: an unfriendly coldness of manner.
  • cliquish β€” If you describe a group of people or their behavior as cliquish, you mean they spend their time only with other members of the group and seem unfriendly towards people who are not in the group.
  • unreceptive β€” having the quality of receiving, taking in, or admitting.
  • agreeing β€” to have the same views, emotions, etc.; harmonize in opinion or feeling (often followed by with): I don't agree with you.
  • ancillary β€” The ancillary workers in an institution are the people such as cleaners and cooks whose work supports the main work of the institution.
  • coincident β€” Coincident events happen at the same time.
  • coincidental β€” Something that is coincidental is the result of a coincidence and has not been deliberately arranged.
  • concurrent β€” Concurrent events or situations happen at the same time.
  • connected β€” If one thing is connected with another, there is a link or relationship between them.
  • synchronous β€” occurring at the same time; coinciding in time; contemporaneous; simultaneous.
  • coetaneous β€” of the same age or period
  • coexistence β€” The coexistence of one thing with another is the fact that they exist together at the same time or in the same place.
  • contemporaneous β€” If two events or situations are contemporaneous, they happen or exist during the same period of time.
  • isochronal β€” equal or uniform in time.
  • isochronous β€” isochronal.
  • synergetic β€” working together; cooperative.
  • synergistic β€” pertaining to, characteristic of, or resembling synergy: a synergistic effect.
  • concordant β€” being in agreement: harmonious
  • conjoined β€” joined together, united, or linked.
  • coterminous β€” having a common boundary; bordering; contiguous
  • in time β€” the system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other, as past, present, or future; indefinite and continuous duration regarded as that in which events succeed one another.
  • synchronal β€” synchronous.

adjective associative

  • select β€” to choose in preference to another or others; pick out.
  • accompanying β€” provided at the same time as something else as an extra or addition; supplementary
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