
All backhander synonyms

B b

noun backhander

  • bribe — A bribe is a sum of money or something valuable that one person offers or gives to another in order to persuade him or her to do something.
  • rake-off — a share or amount taken or received illicitly, as in connection with a public enterprise.
  • kickback — a percentage of income given to a person in a position of power or influence as payment for having made the income possible: usually considered improper or unethical.
  • sweetener — something that sweetens, as sugar or a low-calorie synthetic product used instead of sugar.
  • incentive — something that incites or tends to incite to action or greater effort, as a reward offered for increased productivity.
  • payment — something that is paid; an amount paid; compensation; recompense.
  • carrot — Carrots are long, thin, orange-coloured vegetables. They grow under the ground, and have green shoots above the ground.
  • favor — something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration; a kind act: to ask a favor.
  • favour — to regard with favor: to favor an enterprise.
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