
All bad mouth synonyms

bad mouth
B b

verb bad mouth

  • gossip β€” idle talk or rumor, especially about the personal or private affairs of others: the endless gossip about Hollywood stars.
  • detract β€” If one thing detracts from another, it makes it seem less good or impressive.
  • malign β€” to speak harmful untruths about; speak evil of; slander; defame: to malign an honorable man.
  • criticize β€” If you criticize someone or something, you express your disapproval of them by saying what you think is wrong with them.
  • belittle β€” If you belittle someone or something, you say or imply that they are unimportant or not very good.
  • criticize β€” If you criticize someone or something, you express your disapproval of them by saying what you think is wrong with them.
  • recapitulate β€” to review by a brief summary, as at the end of a speech or discussion; summarize.
  • impugn β€” to challenge as false (another's statements, motives, etc.); cast doubt upon.
  • defame β€” If someone defames another person or thing, they say bad and untrue things about them.
  • vilify β€” to speak ill of; defame; slander.
  • besmirch β€” If you besmirch someone or their reputation, you say that they are a bad person or that they have done something wrong, usually when this is not true.
  • offend β€” to irritate, annoy, or anger; cause resentful displeasure in: Even the hint of prejudice offends me.
  • persecute β€” to pursue with harassing or oppressive treatment, especially because of religious or political beliefs, ethnic or racial origin, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
  • insult β€” to treat or speak to insolently or with contemptuous rudeness; affront.
  • squelch β€” to strike or press with crushing force; crush down; squash.
  • discredit β€” to injure the credit or reputation of; defame: an effort to discredit honest politicians.
  • deride β€” If you deride someone or something, you say that they are stupid or have no value.
  • scorn β€” open or unqualified contempt; disdain: His face and attitude showed the scorn he felt.
  • downplay β€” to treat or speak of (something) so as to reduce emphasis on its importance, value, strength, etc.: The press has downplayed the president's role in the negotiations.
  • underestimate β€” to estimate at too low a value, rate, or the like.
  • tarnish β€” to dull the luster of (a metallic surface), especially by oxidation; discolor.
  • sully β€” to soil, stain, or tarnish.
  • stain β€” a discoloration produced by foreign matter having penetrated into or chemically reacted with a material; a spot not easily removed.
  • blot β€” If something is a blot on a person's or thing's reputation, it spoils their reputation.
  • smudge β€” a dirty mark or smear.
  • denounce β€” If you denounce a person or an action, you criticize them severely and publicly because you feel strongly that they are wrong or evil.
  • condemn β€” If you condemn something, you say that it is very bad and unacceptable.
  • despise β€” If you despise something or someone, you dislike them and have a very low opinion of them.
  • debase β€” To debase something means to reduce its value or quality.
  • degrade β€” Something that degrades someone causes people to have less respect for them.
  • blab β€” If someone blabs about something secret, they tell people about it.
  • misrepresent β€” to represent incorrectly, improperly, or falsely.
  • study β€” a room, in a house or other building, set apart for private study, reading, writing, or the like.
  • inspect β€” to look carefully at or over; view closely and critically: to inspect every part of the motor.
  • assess β€” When you assess a person, thing, or situation, you consider them in order to make a judgment about them.
  • discuss β€” to consider or examine by argument, comment, etc.; talk over or write about, especially to explore solutions; debate: to discuss the proposed law on taxes.
  • revise β€” to amend or alter: to revise one's opinion.
  • damn β€” Damn, damn it, and dammit are used by some people to express anger or impatience.
  • mistreat β€” to treat badly or abusively.
  • summarize β€” to make a summary of; state or express in a concise form.
  • sum up β€” the aggregate of two or more numbers, magnitudes, quantities, or particulars as determined by or as if by the mathematical process of addition: The sum of 6 and 8 is 14.
  • abstract β€” An abstract idea or way of thinking is based on general ideas rather than on real things and events.
  • whisper β€” to speak with soft, hushed sounds, using the breath, lips, etc., but with no vibration of the vocal cords.
  • noise β€” sound, especially of a loud, harsh, or confused kind: deafening noises.
  • blister β€” A blister is a painful swelling on the surface of your skin. Blisters contain a clear liquid and are usually caused by heat or by something repeatedly rubbing your skin.
  • revile β€” to assail with contemptuous or opprobrious language; address or speak of abusively.
  • traduce β€” to speak maliciously and falsely of; slander; defame: to traduce someone's character.
  • scandalize β€” to shock or horrify by something considered immoral or improper.
  • blacken β€” To blacken something means to make it black or very dark in colour. Something that blackens becomes black or very dark in colour.
  • asperse β€” to spread false rumours about; defame
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