
All banausic synonyms

B b

adj banausic

  • dull β€” not sharp; blunt: a dull knife.
  • tedious β€” event: dull
  • mundane β€” common; ordinary; banal; unimaginative.
  • drab β€” dull; cheerless; lacking in spirit, brightness, etc.
  • uninteresting β€” engaging or exciting and holding the attention or curiosity: an interesting book.
  • greedy β€” excessively or inordinately desirous of wealth, profit, etc.; avaricious: the greedy owners of the company.
  • secular β€” of or relating to worldly things or to things that are not regarded as religious, spiritual, or sacred; temporal: secular interests.
  • temporal β€” of, relating to, or situated near the temple or a temporal bone.
  • sensual β€” pertaining to, inclined to, or preoccupied with the gratification of the senses or appetites; carnal; fleshly.
  • profane β€” characterized by irreverence or contempt for God or sacred principles or things; irreligious.
  • repetitive β€” pertaining to or characterized by repetition.
  • ho-hum β€” dull, boring, or routine; so-so: a ho-hum performance.
  • banal β€” If you describe something as banal, you do not like it because you think that it is so ordinary that it is not at all effective or interesting.
  • mediocre β€” of only ordinary or moderate quality; neither good nor bad; barely adequate: The car gets only mediocre mileage, but it's fun to drive. Synonyms: undistinguished, commonplace, pedestrian, everyday; run-of-the-mill. Antonyms: extraordinary, superior, uncommon, incomparable.
  • pedantic β€” ostentatious in one's learning.
  • ponderous β€” of great weight; heavy; massive.
  • staid β€” of settled or sedate character; not flighty or capricious.
  • materialistic β€” excessively concerned with physical comforts or the acquisition of wealth and material possessions, rather than with spiritual, intellectual, or cultural values.
  • earthly β€” of or relating to the earth, especially as opposed to heaven; worldly.
  • physical β€” of or relating to the body: physical exercise.
  • pedestrian β€” a person who goes or travels on foot; walker.
  • boring β€” Someone or something boring is so dull and uninteresting that they make people tired and impatient.
  • humdrum β€” lacking variety; boring; dull: a humdrum existence.
  • monotone β€” a vocal utterance or series of speech sounds in one unvaried tone.
  • plodding β€” to walk heavily or move laboriously; trudge: to plod under the weight of a burden.
  • commonplace β€” If something is commonplace, it happens often or is often found, and is therefore not surprising.
  • blah β€” You use blah, blah, blah to refer to something that is said or written without giving the actual words, because you think that they are boring or unimportant.
  • vanilla β€” any tropical, climbing orchid of the genus Vanilla, especially V. planifolia, bearing podlike fruit yielding an extract used in flavoring food, in perfumery, etc.
  • treadmill β€” an apparatus for producing rotary motion by the weight of people or animals, treading on a succession of moving steps or a belt that forms a kind of continuous path, as around the periphery of a pair of horizontal cylinders.
  • common β€” If something is common, it is found in large numbers or it happens often.
  • routine β€” subroutine
  • ordinary β€” of no special quality or interest; commonplace; unexceptional: One novel is brilliant, the other is decidedly ordinary; an ordinary person.
  • lay β€” to bring about or affect by lying (often used reflexively): to lie oneself out of a difficulty; accustomed to lying his way out of difficulties.
  • mortal β€” subject to death; having a transitory life: all mortal creatures.
  • bland β€” If you describe someone or something as bland, you mean that they are rather dull and unexciting.
  • dim β€” DIM statement
  • dreary β€” causing sadness or gloom.
  • monotonous β€” lacking in variety; tediously unvarying: the monotonous flat scenery.
  • arid β€” Arid land is so dry that very few plants can grow on it.
  • dime a dozen β€” a cupronickel-clad coin of the U.S. and Canada, the 10th part of a dollar, equal to 10 cents.
  • dull β€” not sharp; blunt: a dull knife.
  • insipid β€” without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities; vapid: an insipid personality.
  • lifeless β€” not endowed with life; having no life; inanimate: lifeless matter.
  • repetitious β€” full of repetition, especially unnecessary and tedious repetition: a repetitious account of their vacation trip.
  • tiresome β€” causing or liable to cause a person to tire; wearisome: a tiresome job.

adjective banausic

  • uneventful β€” not eventful; lacking in important or striking occurrences: an uneventful day at the office.
  • colourless β€” Something that is colourless has no colour at all.
  • stuffy β€” close; poorly ventilated: a stuffy room.
  • laboured β€” productive activity, especially for the sake of economic gain.
  • worldly β€” of or relating to this world as contrasted with heaven, spiritual life, etc.; earthly; mundane.
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