
All bants synonyms

B b

verb bants

  • trim β€” to put into a neat or orderly condition by clipping, paring, pruning, etc.: to trim a hedge.
  • lower β€” to cause to descend; let or put down: to lower a flag.
  • cut β€” If you cut something, you use a knife or a similar tool to divide it into pieces, or to mark it or damage it. If you cut a shape or a hole in something, you make the shape or hole by using a knife or similar tool.
  • dwindle β€” to become smaller and smaller; shrink; waste away: His vast fortune has dwindled away.
  • shorten β€” to make short or shorter.
  • lessen β€” to become less.
  • pare β€” Ambroise [ahn-brwaz] /Ι‘ΜƒΛˆbrwaz/ (Show IPA), 1510–90, French surgeon.
  • slash β€” to cut with a violent sweeping stroke or by striking violently and at random, as with a knife or sword.
  • diminish β€” to make or cause to seem smaller, less, less important, etc.; lessen; reduce.
  • curtail β€” If you curtail something, you reduce or limit it.
  • cut down β€” If you cut down on something or cut down something, you use or do less of it.
  • weaken β€” to make weak or weaker.
  • scale down β€” a succession or progression of steps or degrees; graduated series: the scale of taxation; the social scale.
  • shave β€” to remove a growth of beard with a razor.
  • dilute β€” to make (a liquid) thinner or weaker by the addition of water or the like.
  • clip β€” A clip is a small device, usually made of metal or plastic, that is specially shaped for holding things together.
  • abridge β€” to reduce the length of (a written work) by condensing or rewriting
  • slim β€” slender, as in girth or form; slight in build or structure.
  • impair β€” to make or cause to become worse; diminish in ability, value, excellence, etc.; weaken or damage: to impair one's health; to impair negotiations.
  • impoverish β€” to reduce to poverty: a country impoverished by war.
  • depress β€” If someone or something depresses you, they make you feel sad and disappointed.
  • debase β€” To debase something means to reduce its value or quality.
  • bankrupt β€” People or organizations that go bankrupt do not have enough money to pay their debts.
  • ruin β€” ruins, the remains of a building, city, etc., that has been destroyed or that is in disrepair or a state of decay: We visited the ruins of ancient Greece.
  • rebate β€” a return of part of the original payment for some service or merchandise; partial refund.
  • moderate β€” kept or keeping within reasonable or proper limits; not extreme, excessive, or intense: a moderate price.
  • depreciate β€” If something such as a currency depreciates or if something depreciates it, it loses some of its original value.
  • truncate β€” to shorten by cutting off a part; cut short: Truncate detailed explanations.
  • deflate β€” If you deflate someone or something, you take away their confidence or make them seem less important.
  • break β€” When an object breaks or when you break it, it suddenly separates into two or more pieces, often because it has been hit or dropped.
  • discount β€” to deduct a certain amount from (a bill, charge, etc.): All bills that are paid promptly will be discounted at two percent.
  • cheapen β€” If something cheapens a person or thing, it lowers their reputation or position.
  • diet β€” the legislative body of certain countries, as Japan.
  • abate β€” If something bad or undesirable abates, it becomes much less strong or severe.
  • pauperize β€” to make a pauper of: His extravagance pauperized him.
  • drain β€” to withdraw or draw off (a liquid) gradually; remove slowly or by degrees, as by filtration: to drain oil from a crankcase.
  • taper β€” to become smaller or thinner toward one end.
  • recede β€” to go or move away; retreat; go to or toward a more distant point; withdraw.
  • contract β€” A contract is a legal agreement, usually between two companies or between an employer and employee, which involves doing work for a stated sum of money.
  • chop β€” If you chop something, you cut it into pieces with strong downward movements of a knife or an axe.
  • cut back β€” If you cut back something such as expenditure or cut back on it, you reduce it.
  • step down β€” serving to reduce or decrease voltage: a step-down transformer.
  • tone down β€” any sound considered with reference to its quality, pitch, strength, source, etc.: shrill tones.
  • turn down β€” to cause to move around on an axis or about a center; rotate: to turn a wheel.
  • bant β€” string
  • mark down β€” a visible impression or trace on something, as a line, cut, dent, stain, or bruise: a small mark on his arm.
  • nutshell β€” the shell of a nut.
  • roll back β€” to move along a surface by revolving or turning over and over, as a ball or a wheel.
  • slow down β€” moving or proceeding with little or less than usual speed or velocity: a slow train.
  • taper off β€” to become smaller or thinner toward one end.
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