
All beachcomber synonyms

B b

noun beachcomber

  • vagabond β€” wandering from place to place without any settled home; nomadic: a vagabond tribe.
  • nomad β€” a member of a people or tribe that has no permanent abode but moves about from place to place, usually seasonally and often following a traditional route or circuit according to the state of the pasturage or food supply.
  • swell β€” to grow in bulk, as by the absorption of moisture or the processes of growth.
  • wave β€” a member of the Waves.
  • tide β€” the periodic rise and fall of the waters of the ocean and its inlets, produced by the attraction of the moon and sun, and occurring about every 12 hours.
  • breaker β€” Breakers are big sea waves, especially at the point when they just reach the shore.
  • crest β€” The crest of a hill or a wave is the top of it.
  • surge β€” a strong, wavelike, forward movement, rush, or sweep: the onward surge of an angry mob.
  • roller β€” any of several Old World birds of the family Coraciidae that tumble or roll over in flight, especially in the breeding season.
  • waster β€” a person or thing that wastes time, money, etc.
  • wanderer β€” a Covenanter persecuted by Charles II and James II, especially one who fled home to follow rebellious Presbyterian ministers who refused to accept episcopacy.
  • malingerer β€” to pretend illness, especially in order to shirk one's duty, avoid work, etc.
  • slouch β€” to sit or stand with an awkward, drooping posture.
  • lazybones β€” a lazy person.
  • good-for-nothing β€” worthless; of no use.
  • wastrel β€” a wasteful person; spendthrift.
  • idler β€” the state or quality of being idle.
  • deadbeat β€” If you refer to someone as a deadbeat, you are criticizing them because you think they are lazy and do not want to be part of ordinary society.
  • do-nothing β€” a person who chooses to do nothing; a lazy or worthless person.
  • slacker β€” a slack condition or part.
  • sluggard β€” a person who is habitually inactive or lazy.
  • shirker β€” a person who evades work, duty, responsibility, etc.
  • lounger β€” a person or thing that lounges.
  • goof-off β€” a foolish or stupid person.
  • sponger β€” a person or thing that sponges.
  • ne'er-do-well β€” an idle, worthless person; a person who is ineffectual, unsuccessful, or completely lacking in merit; good-for-nothing.
  • rover β€” a familiar name for a dog.
  • stray β€” to deviate from the direct course, leave the proper place, or go beyond the proper limits, especially without a fixed course or purpose; ramble: to stray from the main road.
  • ranger β€” forest ranger.
  • straggler β€” to stray from the road, course, or line of march.
  • adventurer β€” An adventurer is a person who enjoys going to new, unusual, and exciting places.
  • itinerant β€” traveling from place to place, especially on a circuit, as a minister, judge, or sales representative; itinerating; journeying.
  • vagrant β€” a person who wanders about idly and has no permanent home or employment; vagabond; tramp.
  • drifter β€” a person or thing that drifts.
  • gypsy β€” a member of a nomadic, Caucasoid people of generally swarthy complexion, who migrated originally from India, settling in various parts of Asia, Europe, and, most recently, North America.
  • gadabout β€” a person who moves about restlessly or aimlessly, especially from one social activity to another.
  • bum β€” Someone's bum is the part of their body which they sit on.
  • traveler β€” a person or thing that travels.
  • gad β€” to move restlessly or aimlessly from one place to another: to gad about.
  • stroller β€” a person who takes a leisurely walk; saunterer.
  • pilgrim β€” a person who journeys, especially a long distance, to some sacred place as an act of religious devotion: pilgrims to the Holy Land.
  • roamer β€” to walk, go, or travel without a fixed purpose or direction; ramble; wander; rove: to roam about the world.
  • voyager β€” one of a series of U.S. space probes that obtained scientific information while flying by the planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.
  • floater β€” a person or thing that floats.
  • rambler β€” a person, animal, or thing that rambles.
  • gob β€” the mouth.
  • sailor β€” a person whose occupation is sailing or navigation; mariner.
  • mate β€” a tealike South American beverage made from the dried leaves of an evergreen tree.
  • skipper β€” a person or thing that skips.
  • seafarer β€” a sailor.
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