
All bogy synonyms

B b

noun bogy

  • fear β€” a river in SE North Carolina. 202 miles (325 km) long.
  • rainbow β€” a bow or arc of prismatic colors appearing in the heavens opposite the sun and caused by the refraction and reflection of the sun's rays in drops of rain. Compare primary rainbow, secondary rainbow.
  • monster β€” a legendary animal combining features of animal and human form or having the forms of various animals in combination, as a centaur, griffin, or sphinx.
  • fabrication β€” the act or process of fabricating; manufacture.
  • delusion β€” A delusion is a false idea.
  • hallucination β€” a sensory experience of something that does not exist outside the mind, caused by various physical and mental disorders, or by reaction to certain toxic substances, and usually manifested as visual or auditory images.
  • fancy β€” imagination or fantasy, especially as exercised in a capricious manner.
  • illusion β€” something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality.
  • figment β€” a mere product of mental invention; a fantastic notion: The noises in the attic were just a figment of his imagination.
  • mirage β€” an optical phenomenon, especially in the desert or at sea, by which the image of some object appears displaced above, below, or to one side of its true position as a result of spatial variations of the index of refraction of air.
  • monstrosity β€” the state or character of being monstrous.
  • snare β€” one of the strings of gut or of tightly spiraled metal stretched across the skin of a snare drum.
  • bubble β€” Bubbles are small balls of air or gas in a liquid.
  • specter β€” a visible incorporeal spirit, especially one of a terrifying nature; ghost; phantom; apparition.
  • gremlin β€” a mischievous invisible being, said by airplane pilots in World War II to cause engine trouble and mechanical difficulties.
  • scare β€” to fill, especially suddenly, with fear or terror; frighten; alarm.
  • hobgoblin β€” something causing superstitious fear; a bogy.
  • ogre β€” a monster in fairy tales and popular legend, usually represented as a hideous giant who feeds on human flesh.
  • apprehension β€” Apprehension is a feeling of fear that something bad may happen.
  • bugaboo β€” Something or someone that is your bugaboo worries or upsets you.
  • fear β€” a river in SE North Carolina. 202 miles (325 km) long.
  • bogey β€” A bogey is something or someone that people are worried about, perhaps without much cause or reason.
  • dread β€” to fear greatly; be in extreme apprehension of: to dread death.
  • threat β€” a declaration of an intention or determination to inflict punishment, injury, etc., in retaliation for, or conditionally upon, some action or course; menace: He confessed under the threat of imprisonment.
  • terror β€” intense, sharp, overmastering fear: to be frantic with terror.
  • problem β€” any question or matter involving doubt, uncertainty, or difficulty.
  • goblin β€” a grotesque sprite or elf that is mischievous or malicious toward people.
  • wraith β€” an apparition of a living person supposed to portend his or her death.
  • loup-garou β€” a werewolf; lycanthrope.
  • boogeyman β€” a frightening imaginary being, often one used as a threat in disciplining children
  • fright β€” sudden and extreme fear; a sudden terror.
  • bugbear β€” Something or someone that is your bugbear worries or upsets you.
  • alarm β€” Alarm is a feeling of fear or anxiety that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen.
  • bogeyman β€” A bogeyman is someone whose ideas or actions are disapproved of by some people, and who is described by them as evil or unpleasant in order to make other people afraid.
  • scarecrow β€” an object, usually a figure of a person in old clothes, set up to frighten crows or other birds away from crops.
  • ignis fatuus β€” Also called friar's lantern, will-o'-the-wisp. a flitting phosphorescent light seen at night, chiefly over marshy ground, and believed to be due to spontaneous combustion of gas from decomposed organic matter.
  • virtual reality β€” a realistic and immersive simulation of a three-dimensional environment, created using interactive software and hardware, and experienced or controlled by movement of the body. Abbreviation: VR.
  • fata morgana β€” Meteorology. a mirage consisting of multiple images, as of cliffs and buildings, that are distorted and magnified to resemble elaborate castles, often seen near the Straits of Messina.
  • fool's paradise β€” a state of enjoyment based on false beliefs or hopes; a state of illusory happiness.
  • bete noire β€” If you refer to someone or something as your bete noire, you mean that you have a particular dislike for them or that they annoy you a great deal.
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