
All chapfallen synonyms

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adj chapfallen

  • disappointed β€” depressed or discouraged by the failure of one's hopes or expectations: a disappointed suitor.
  • depressed β€” If you are depressed, you are sad and feel that you cannot enjoy anything, because your situation is so difficult and unpleasant.
  • depressed β€” If you are depressed, you are sad and feel that you cannot enjoy anything, because your situation is so difficult and unpleasant.
  • dispirited β€” discouraged; dejected; disheartened; gloomy.
  • dejected β€” If you are dejected, you feel miserable or unhappy, especially because you have just been disappointed by something.
  • despondent β€” If you are despondent, you are very unhappy because you have been experiencing difficulties that you think you will not be able to overcome.
  • discouraged β€” to deprive of courage, hope, or confidence; dishearten; dispirit.
  • off β€” so as to be no longer supported or attached: This button is about to come off.
  • forlorn β€” desolate or dreary; unhappy or miserable, as in feeling, condition, or appearance.
  • pessimistic β€” pertaining to or characterized by pessimism or the tendency to expect only bad outcomes; gloomy; joyless; unhopeful: His pessimistic outlook kept him from applying for jobs for which he was perfectly qualified.
  • dour β€” sullen; gloomy: The captain's dour look depressed us all.
  • sullen β€” showing irritation or ill humor by a gloomy silence or reserve.
  • solemn β€” grave, sober, or mirthless, as a person, the face, speech, tone, or mood: solemn remarks.
  • melancholy β€” sober thoughtfulness; pensiveness.
  • ugly β€” very unattractive or unpleasant to look at; offensive to the sense of beauty; displeasing in appearance.
  • dismal β€” causing gloom or dejection; gloomy; dreary; cheerless; melancholy: dismal weather.
  • disenchanted β€” to rid of or free from enchantment, illusion, credulity, etc.; disillusion: The harshness of everyday reality disenchanted him of his idealistic hopes.
  • discontented β€” not content; dissatisfied; discontented.
  • complaining β€” to express dissatisfaction, pain, uneasiness, censure, resentment, or grief; find fault: He complained constantly about the noise in the corridor.
  • beaten β€” Beaten earth has been pressed down, often by people's feet, until it is hard.
  • upset β€” to overturn: to upset a pitcher of milk.
  • disconcerted β€” disturbed, as in one's composure or self-possession; perturbed; ruffled: She was disconcerted by the sudden attack on her integrity.
  • defeated β€” having suffered defeat; beaten
  • disillusioned β€” to free from or deprive of illusion, belief, idealism, etc.; disenchant.
  • dissatisfied β€” not satisfied or pleased; discontented.
  • frustrated β€” Obsolete. frustrated.
  • distressed β€” afflicted with or suffering distress: distress livestock; distress wheat.
  • disgruntled β€” displeased and discontented; sulky; peevish: Her disgruntled husband refused to join us.
  • worsted β€” that which is worst.
  • objecting β€” anything that is visible or tangible and is relatively stable in form.
  • balked β€” to stop, as at an obstacle, and refuse to proceed or to do something specified (usually followed by at): He balked at making the speech.
  • vanquished β€” to conquer or subdue by superior force, as in battle.
  • foiled β€” ornamented with foils, as a gable, spandrel, or balustrade.
  • slack β€” not tight, taut, firm, or tense; loose: a slack rope.
  • bad β€” If you say that it is bad that something happens, you mean it is unacceptable, unfortunate, or wrong.
  • moody β€” given to gloomy, depressed, or sullen moods; ill-humored.
  • brooding β€” Brooding is used to describe an atmosphere or feeling that makes you feel anxious or slightly afraid.
  • blue β€” Something that is blue is the colour of the sky on a sunny day.
  • depressed β€” If you are depressed, you are sad and feel that you cannot enjoy anything, because your situation is so difficult and unpleasant.
  • disconsolate β€” without consolation or solace; hopelessly unhappy; inconsolable: Loss of her pet dog made her disconsolate.
  • down β€” from higher to lower; in descending direction or order; toward, into, or in a lower position: to come down the ladder.
  • downcast β€” directed downward, as the eyes.
  • downhearted β€” dejected; depressed; discouraged.
  • inconsolable β€” not able to be comforted or consoled; disconsolate: She was inconsolable when her son died.
  • low β€” to utter by or as by lowing.
  • sad β€” Systems Analysis Definition
  • ass in a sling β€” (Idiomatic) (mildly vulgar) An uncomfortable personal state of affairs involving injury, defeat, or other trouble, especially a state of affairs resulting from one's own ill-considered actions.

adjective chapfallen

  • let down β€” British. a lease.
  • baulked β€” to stop, as at an obstacle, and refuse to proceed or to do something specified (usually followed by at): He balked at making the speech.
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