
All character assassination synonyms

char·ac·ter as·sas·si·nate
C c

noun character assassination

  • dirty pool — unethical, unfair, or unsportsmanlike conduct.
  • dirty tricks — underhand activities and machinations in political or governmental affairs, usually intended to discredit an opponent
  • hatchet job — a maliciously destructive critique or act: The special committee has done a hatchet job on the new proposal.
  • mudslinging — an attempt to discredit one's competitor, opponent, etc., by malicious or scandalous attacks.
  • smear — to spread or daub (an oily, greasy, viscous, or wet substance) on or over something: to smear butter on bread.
  • smear campaign — a campaign to tarnish the reputation of a public figure, especially by vilification or innuendo.
  • ad hominem — directed against a person rather than against his arguments
  • muckraking — to search for and expose real or alleged corruption, scandal, or the like, especially in politics.
  • name-calling — the use of abusive names to belittle or humiliate another person in a political campaign, an argument, etc.
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