
All chatterer synonyms

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noun chatterer

  • conversationalist β€” A good conversationalist is someone who talks about interesting things when they have conversations.
  • orator β€” a person who delivers an oration; a public speaker, especially one of great eloquence: Demosthenes was one of the great orators of ancient Greece.
  • debater β€” A debater is someone who takes part in debates.
  • chatterbox β€” A chatterbox is someone who talks a lot.
  • gossipmonger β€” a person especially fond of or addicted to gossiping.
  • windbag β€” Informal. an empty, voluble, pretentious talker.
  • squealer β€” a somewhat prolonged, sharp, shrill cry, as of pain, fear, or surprise.
  • gossiper β€” idle talk or rumor, especially about the personal or private affairs of others: the endless gossip about Hollywood stars.
  • blowhard β€” If you describe someone as a blowhard, you mean that they express their opinions very forcefully, and usually in a boastful way.
  • tattletale β€” a talebearer or informer, especially among children.
  • blabber β€” a person who blabs
  • loudmouth β€” a loudmouthed person.
  • gasbag β€” a bag for holding gas, as in a balloon or dirigible.
  • jabberer β€” rapid, indistinct, or nonsensical talk; gibberish.
  • babbler β€” a person who babbles
  • meddler β€” to involve oneself in a matter without right or invitation; interfere officiously and unwantedly: Stop meddling in my personal life!
  • snoop β€” to prowl or pry; go about in a sneaking, prying way.
  • parrot β€” any of numerous hook-billed, often brilliantly colored birds of the order Psittaciformes, as the cockatoo, lory, macaw, or parakeet, having the ability to mimic speech and often kept as pets.
  • tattler β€” a person who tattles; telltale.
  • blabbermouth β€” a person who talks too much or indiscreetly
  • rumormonger β€” a person given to spreading rumors, often maliciously.
  • informer β€” a person who informs against another, especially for money or other reward.
  • scandalmonger β€” a person who spreads scandal or gossip.
  • busybody β€” If you refer to someone as a busybody, you are criticizing the way they interfere in other people's affairs.
  • talebearer β€” a person who spreads gossip, secrets, etc., that may cause trouble or harm.
  • telltale β€” a person who heedlessly or maliciously reveals private or confidential matters; tattler; talebearer.
  • prattler β€” to talk in a foolish or simple-minded way; chatter; babble.
  • flibbertigibbet β€” a chattering or flighty, light-headed person.
  • newsmonger β€” a person who spreads gossip or idle talk; a gossip or gossipmonger.
  • lecturer β€” a person who lectures.
  • interlocutor β€” a person who takes part in a conversation or dialogue.
  • speaker β€” Tris(tram E.) 1888–1958, U.S. baseball player.
  • magpie β€” either of two corvine birds, Pica pica (black-billed magpie) of Eurasia and North America, or P. nuttalli (yellow-billed magpie) of California, having long, graduated tails, black-and-white plumage, and noisy, mischievous habits.
  • raconteur β€” a person who is skilled in relating stories and anecdotes interestingly.
  • communicator β€” a person who communicates, especially one skilled at conveying information, ideas, or policy to the public.
  • tabby β€” a cat with a striped or brindled coat.
  • tattle β€” to let out secrets.
  • taleteller β€” a telltale; talebearer.
  • t β€” the 20th letter of the English alphabet, a consonant.
  • whisperer β€” a person or thing that whispers.
  • bigmouth β€” a noisy, indiscreet, or boastful person
  • bag of wind β€” windbag.
  • gabber β€” to talk or chat idly; chatter.
  • motor-mouth β€” a person who is a constant or irrepressible talker.
  • yapper β€” to bark sharply, shrilly, or snappishly; yelp.
  • circulator β€” a person who moves from place to place.
  • scandalise β€” to shock or horrify by something considered immoral or improper.
  • talker β€” to communicate or exchange ideas, information, etc., by speaking: to talk about poetry.
  • discourse β€” communication of thought by words; talk; conversation: earnest and intelligent discourse.
  • blab β€” If someone blabs about something secret, they tell people about it.
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