
All colorless synonyms

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adj colorless

  • unlively β€” full or suggestive of life or vital energy; active, vigorous, or brisk: a lively discussion.
  • dull β€” not sharp; blunt: a dull knife.
  • drab β€” dull; cheerless; lacking in spirit, brightness, etc.
  • lackluster β€” lacking brilliance or radiance; dull: lackluster eyes.
  • dreary β€” causing sadness or gloom.
  • achromatic β€” without colour
  • anemic β€” Pathology. suffering from anemia.
  • ashen β€” Someone who is ashen looks very pale, especially because they are ill, shocked, or frightened.
  • blanched β€” to force back or to one side; head off, as a deer or other quarry.
  • cadaverous β€” If you describe someone as cadaverous, you mean they are extremely thin and pale.
  • faded β€” to lose brightness or vividness of color.
  • flat β€” horizontally level: a flat roof.
  • ghastly β€” shockingly frightful or dreadful; horrible: a ghastly murder.
  • livid β€” having a discolored, bluish appearance caused by a bruise, congestion of blood vessels, strangulation, etc., as the face, flesh, hands, or nails.
  • lurid β€” gruesome; horrible; revolting: the lurid details of an accident.
  • neutral β€” not taking part or giving assistance in a dispute or war between others: a neutral nation during World War II.
  • pale β€” light-colored or lacking in color: a pale complexion; his pale face; a pale child. lacking the usual intensity of color due to fear, illness, stress, etc.: She looked pale and unwell when we visited her in the nursing home.
  • sickly β€” not strong; unhealthy; ailing.
  • wan β€” of an unnatural or sickly pallor; pallid; lacking color: His wan face suddenly flushed.
  • waxen β€” pertaining to, made of, or resembling wax: a wax candle; a wax doll.
  • white β€” of the color of pure snow, of the margins of this page, etc.; reflecting nearly all the rays of sunlight or a similar light.
  • ashy β€” of a pale greyish colour; ashen
  • achromic β€” colourless
  • bleached β€” made lighter in colour
  • doughy β€” of or like dough, especially in being soft and heavy or pallid and flabby: a doughy consistency; a fat, doughy face.
  • colored β€” Something that is colored a particular color is that color.
  • washed out β€” capable of being washed without shrinking, fading, etc.; washable: a wash dress.
  • insipid β€” without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities; vapid: an insipid personality.
  • lifeless β€” not endowed with life; having no life; inanimate: lifeless matter.
  • prosaic β€” commonplace or dull; matter-of-fact or unimaginative: a prosaic mind.
  • run-of-the-mill β€” merely average; commonplace; mediocre: just a plain, run-of-the-mill house; a run-of-the-mill performance.
  • tame β€” changed from the wild or savage state; domesticated: a tame bear.
  • vacuous β€” without contents; empty: the vacuous air.
  • vapid β€” lacking or having lost life, sharpness, or flavor; insipid; flat: vapid tea.
  • characterless β€” If you describe something as characterless, you mean that it is dull and uninteresting.
  • unmemorable β€” worth remembering; notable: a memorable speech.

adjective colorless

  • monochrome β€” a painting or drawing in different shades of a single color.
  • pallid β€” pale; faint or deficient in color; wan: a pallid countenance.
  • monotonous β€” lacking in variety; tediously unvarying: the monotonous flat scenery.
  • uninteresting β€” engaging or exciting and holding the attention or curiosity: an interesting book.
  • uneventful β€” not eventful; lacking in important or striking occurrences: an uneventful day at the office.
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