
All come synonyms

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verb come

  • advance β€” To advance means to move forward, often in order to attack someone.
  • reach β€” to get to or get as far as in moving, going, traveling, etc.: The boat reached the shore.
  • materialize β€” to come into perceptible existence; appear; become actual or real; be realized or carried out: Our plans never materialized.
  • hit β€” to deal a blow or stroke to: Hit the nail with the hammer.
  • appear β€” If you say that something appears to be the way you describe it, you are reporting what you believe or what you have been told, though you cannot be sure it is true.
  • get β€” to receive or come to have possession, use, or enjoyment of: to get a birthday present; to get a pension.
  • move β€” to pass from one place or position to another.
  • reach β€” to get to or get as far as in moving, going, traveling, etc.: The boat reached the shore.
  • show up β€” to cause or allow to be seen; exhibit; display.
  • show β€” to cause or allow to be seen; exhibit; display.
  • become β€” If someone or something becomes a particular thing, they start to change and develop into that thing, or start to develop the characteristics mentioned.
  • happen β€” to take place; come to pass; occur: Something interesting is always happening in New York.
  • arrive β€” When a person or vehicle arrives at a place, they come to it at the end of a journey.
  • occur β€” to happen; take place; come to pass: When did the accident occur?
  • break β€” When an object breaks or when you break it, it suddenly separates into two or more pieces, often because it has been hit or dropped.
  • develop β€” When something develops, it grows or changes over a period of time and usually becomes more advanced, complete, or severe.
  • fall β€” to come or drop down suddenly to a lower position, especially to leave a standing or erect position suddenly, whether voluntarily or not: to fall on one's knees.
  • take place β€” a particular portion of space, whether of definite or indefinite extent.
  • run β€” execution
  • join β€” to bring in contact, connect, or bring or put together: to join hands; to join pages with a staple.
  • turn β€” to cause to move around on an axis or about a center; rotate: to turn a wheel.
  • go β€” to move or proceed, especially to or from something: They're going by bus.
  • grow β€” to increase by natural development, as any living organism or part by assimilation of nutriment; increase in size or substance.
  • burst β€” If something bursts or if you burst it, it suddenly breaks open or splits open and the air or other substance inside it comes out.
  • flare β€” to burn with an unsteady, swaying flame, as a torch or candle in the wind.
  • originate β€” to take its origin or rise; begin; start; arise: The practice originated during the Middle Ages.
  • near β€” close; to a point or place not far away: Come near so I won't have to shout.
  • attain β€” If you attain something, you gain it or achieve it, often after a lot of effort.
  • buzz β€” If something buzzes or buzzes somewhere, it makes a long continuous sound, like the noise a bee makes when it is flying.
  • hap β€” Benedict, 1741–1801, American general in the Revolutionary War who became a traitor.
  • betide β€” to happen or happen to; befall (often in the phrase woe betide (someone))
  • chance β€” If there is a chance of something happening, it is possible that it will happen.
  • befall β€” If something bad or unlucky befalls you, it happens to you.
  • transpire β€” to occur; happen; take place.
  • stretch β€” to draw out or extend (oneself, a body, limbs, wings, etc.) to the full length or extent (often followed by out): to stretch oneself out on the ground.
  • number β€” one of a series of things distinguished by or marked with numerals.
  • amount β€” The amount of something is how much there is, or how much you have, need, or get.
  • spread β€” to draw, stretch, or open out, especially over a flat surface, as something rolled or folded (often followed by out).
  • mature β€” complete in natural growth or development, as plant and animal forms: a mature rose bush.
  • wax β€” a fit of anger; rage.
  • aggregate β€” An aggregate amount or score is made up of several smaller amounts or scores added together.
  • total β€” constituting or comprising the whole; entire; whole: the total expenditure.
  • roll up β€” a document of paper, parchment, or the like, that is or may be rolled up, as for storing; scroll.
  • approach β€” When you approach something, you get closer to it.
  • materialise β€” to come into perceptible existence; appear; become actual or real; be realized or carried out: Our plans never materialized.
  • come up to β€” To be coming up to a time or state means to be getting near to it.
  • hail from β€” to cheer, salute, or greet; welcome.
  • derive β€” If you derive something such as pleasure or benefit from a person or from something, you get it from them.
  • come from β€” to be or have been a resident or native (of)
  • arise β€” If a situation or problem arises, it begins to exist or people start to become aware of it.
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