
All complicate synonyms

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verb complicate

  • confuse — If you confuse two things, you get them mixed up, so that you think one of them is the other one.
  • convolute — to form into a twisted, coiled, or rolled shape
  • perplex — to cause to be puzzled or bewildered over what is not understood or certain; confuse mentally: Her strange response perplexed me.
  • upset — to overturn: to upset a pitcher of milk.
  • muddle — to mix up in a confused or bungling manner; jumble.
  • involve — to include as a necessary circumstance, condition, or consequence; imply; entail: This job involves long hours and hard work.
  • impede — to retard in movement or progress by means of obstacles or hindrances; obstruct; hinder.
  • obscure — (of meaning) not clear or plain; ambiguous, vague, or uncertain: an obscure sentence in the contract.
  • bedevil — If you are bedevilled by something unpleasant, it causes you a lot of problems over a period of time.
  • confound — If someone or something confounds you, they make you feel surprised or confused, often by showing you that your opinions or expectations of them were wrong.
  • clog — When something clogs a hole or place, it blocks it so that nothing can pass through.
  • interweave — to weave together, as threads, strands, branches, or roots.
  • handicap — a race or other contest in which certain disadvantages or advantages of weight, distance, time, etc., are placed upon competitors to equalize their chances of winning.
  • snafu — a badly confused or ridiculously muddled situation: A ballot snafu in the election led to a recount. Synonyms: snarl, bedlam, tumult, disarray, disorder, confusion, mess; foul-up. Antonyms: order, efficiency, calm.
  • snag — a tree or part of a tree held fast in the bottom of a river, lake, etc., and forming an impediment or danger to navigation.
  • twist — to combine, as two or more strands or threads, by winding together; intertwine.
  • fold — to confine (sheep or other domestic animals) in a fold.
  • combine — If you combine two or more things or if they combine, they exist together.
  • derange — to disturb the order or arrangement of; throw into disorder; disarrange
  • multiply — to make many or manifold; increase the number, quantity, etc., of.
  • jumble — to mix in a confused mass; put or throw together without order: You've jumbled up all the cards.
  • tangle — to bring together into a mass of confusedly interlaced or intertwisted threads, strands, or other like parts; snarl.
  • disorder — lack of order or regular arrangement; confusion: Your room is in utter disorder.
  • ravel — to disentangle or unravel the threads or fibers of (a woven or knitted fabric, rope, etc.).
  • disarrange — to disturb the arrangement of; disorder; unsettle.
  • interrelate — Relate or connect to one another.
  • foul up — something that is foul.
  • mix up — an act or instance of mixing.
  • screw up — a metal fastener having a tapered shank with a helical thread, and topped with a slotted head, driven into wood or the like by rotating, especially by means of a screwdriver.
  • infold — enfold.
  • interfuse — to intersperse, intermingle, or permeate with something.
  • make waves — a disturbance on the surface of a liquid body, as the sea or a lake, in the form of a moving ridge or swell.
  • muck up — a bungled or disordered situation; foul-up.
  • thwart — to oppose successfully; prevent from accomplishing a purpose.
  • obfuscate — to confuse, bewilder, or stupefy.
  • muddy — abounding in or covered with mud.
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