
All compulsatory synonyms

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adjective compulsatory

  • set β€” to put (something or someone) in a particular place: to set a vase on a table.
  • suitable β€” such as to suit; appropriate; fitting; becoming.
  • vital β€” of or relating to life: vital processes.
  • binding β€” A binding promise, agreement, or decision must be obeyed or carried out.
  • de rigueur β€” If you say that a possession or habit is de rigueur, you mean that it is fashionable and therefore necessary for anyone who wants to avoid being considered unfashionable.
  • forced β€” strained, unnatural, or affected: a forced smile.
  • imperative β€” imperative language
  • mandatory β€” authoritatively ordered; obligatory; compulsory: It is mandatory that all students take two years of math.
  • obligatory β€” required as a matter of obligation; mandatory: A reply is desirable but not obligatory.
  • required β€” to have need of; need: He requires medical care.
  • imperious β€” domineering in a haughty manner; dictatorial; overbearing: an imperious manner; an imperious person.
  • necessary β€” being essential, indispensable, or requisite: a necessary part of the motor.
  • requisite β€” required or necessary for a particular purpose, position, etc.; indispensable: the requisite skills of an engineer.
  • bossy β€” If you describe someone as bossy, you mean that they enjoy telling people what to do.
  • overbearing β€” domineering; dictatorial; haughtily or rudely arrogant.
  • arrogant β€” Someone who is arrogant behaves in a proud, unpleasant way towards other people because they believe that they are more important than others.
  • autocratic β€” An autocratic person or organization has complete power and makes decisions without asking anyone else's advice.
  • dictatorial β€” Dictatorial means controlled or used by a dictator.
  • domineering β€” inclined to rule arbitrarily or despotically; overbearing; tyrannical: domineering parents.
  • haughty β€” disdainfully proud; snobbish; scornfully arrogant; supercilious: haughty aristocrats; a haughty salesclerk.
  • high-handed β€” condescending or presumptuous; overbearing; arbitrary: He has a highhanded manner.
  • tyrannical β€” of or characteristic of a tyrant.
  • authoritative β€” Someone or something that is authoritative gives an impression of power and importance and is likely to be obeyed.
  • commanding β€” If you are in a commanding position or situation, you are in a strong or powerful position or situation.
  • compulsory β€” If something is compulsory, you must do it or accept it, because it is the law or because someone in a position of authority says you must.
  • despotic β€” If you say that someone is despotic, you are emphasizing that they use their power over other people in a very unfair or cruel way.
  • imperial β€” of, like, or pertaining to an empire.
  • oppressive β€” burdensome, unjustly harsh, or tyrannical: an oppressive king; oppressive laws.
  • overweening β€” presumptuously conceited, overconfident, or proud: a brash, insolent, overweening fellow.
  • peremptory β€” leaving no opportunity for denial or refusal; imperative: a peremptory command.
  • tyrannous β€” tyrannical.
  • indispensable β€” absolutely necessary, essential, or requisite: an indispensable member of the staff.
  • involuntary β€” not voluntary; independent of one's will; not by one's own choice: an involuntary listener; involuntary servitude.
  • compelling β€” A compelling argument or reason is one that convinces you that something is true or that something should be done.
  • irremissible β€” not remissible; unpardonable, as a sin.
  • needful β€” necessary or required: needful supplies.
  • unavoidable β€” unable to be avoided; inevitable: an unavoidable delay.
  • coercive β€” Coercive measures are intended to force people to do something that they do not want to do.
  • appropriate β€” Something that is appropriate is suitable or acceptable for a particular situation.
  • condign β€” (esp of a punishment) fitting; deserved
  • demanded β€” to ask for with proper authority; claim as a right: He demanded payment of the debt.
  • deserved β€” rightfully earned or merited; just
  • due β€” together; in unison.
  • just β€” guided by truth, reason, justice, and fairness: We hope to be just in our understanding of such difficult situations.
  • needed β€” necessary, required, or wanted (usually used in combination): a much-needed vacation.
  • prerequisite β€” required beforehand: a prerequisite fund of knowledge.
  • prescribed β€” to lay down, in writing or otherwise, as a rule or a course of action to be followed; appoint, ordain, or enjoin.
  • recommended β€” to present as worthy of confidence, acceptance, use, etc.; commend; mention favorably: to recommend an applicant for a job; to recommend a book.
  • right β€” in accordance with what is good, proper, or just: right conduct.
  • rightful β€” having a valid or just claim, as to some property or position; legitimate: the rightful owner of the farm.
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