
All concuss synonyms

C c

verb concuss

  • sandbag β€” a bag filled with sand, used in fortification, as ballast, etc.
  • conscript β€” A conscript is a person who has been made to join the armed forces of a country.
  • secure β€” free from or not exposed to danger or harm; safe.
  • tamper β€” to meddle, especially for the purpose of altering, damaging, or misusing (usually followed by with): Someone has been tampering with the lock.
  • effect β€” something that is produced by an agency or cause; result; consequence: Exposure to the sun had the effect of toughening his skin.
  • interfere β€” to come into opposition, as one thing with another, especially with the effect of hampering action or procedure (often followed by with): Constant distractions interfere with work.
  • initiate β€” to begin, set going, or originate: to initiate major social reforms.
  • meddle β€” to involve oneself in a matter without right or invitation; interfere officiously and unwantedly: Stop meddling in my personal life!
  • billow β€” When something made of cloth billows, it swells out and moves slowly in the wind.
  • quiver β€” a case for holding or carrying arrows.
  • agitate β€” If people agitate for something, they protest or take part in political activity in order to get it.
  • jiggle β€” a jiggling movement.
  • quake β€” (of persons) to shake or tremble from cold, weakness, fear, anger, or the like: He spoke boldly even though his legs were quaking.
  • pitch β€” to smear or cover with pitch.
  • heave β€” to raise or lift with effort or force; hoist: to heave a heavy ax.
  • jounce β€” a jouncing movement.
  • wobble β€” to incline to one side and to the other alternately, as a wheel, top, or other rotating body when not properly balanced.
  • undulate β€” to move with a sinuous or wavelike motion; display a smooth rising-and-falling or side-to-side alternation of movement: The flag undulates in the breeze.
  • lurch β€” Archaic. the act of lurking or state of watchfulness.
  • vibrate β€” to move rhythmically and steadily to and fro, as a pendulum; oscillate.
  • falter β€” to hesitate or waver in action, purpose, intent, etc.; give way: Her courage did not falter at the prospect of hardship.
  • roll β€” to move along a surface by revolving or turning over and over, as a ball or a wheel.
  • totter β€” to walk or go with faltering steps, as if from extreme weakness.
  • tremble β€” to shake involuntarily with quick, short movements, as from fear, excitement, weakness, or cold; quake; quiver.
  • jog β€” to move or shake with a push or jerk: The horseman jogged the reins lightly.
  • quaver β€” to shake tremulously; quiver or tremble: He stood there quavering with fear.
  • reel β€” a lively Scottish dance.
  • oscillate β€” to swing or move to and fro, as a pendulum does.
  • stagger β€” to walk, move, or stand unsteadily.
  • careen β€” To careen somewhere means to rush forward in an uncontrollable way.
  • flitter β€” a fritter or pancake.
  • perturb β€” to disturb or disquiet greatly in mind; agitate.
  • bump β€” If you bump into something or someone, you accidentally hit them while you are moving.
  • jar β€” Java archive
  • twitter β€” to utter a succession of small, tremulous sounds, as a bird.
  • shimmy β€” an American ragtime dance marked by shaking of the hips and shoulders.
  • shimmer β€” to shine with or reflect a subdued, tremulous light; gleam faintly.
  • quail β€” a small, migratory, gallinaceous game bird, Coturnix coturnix, of the Old World.
  • flourish β€” to be in a vigorous state; thrive: a period in which art flourished.
  • brandish β€” If you brandish something, especially a weapon, you hold it in a threatening way.
  • whip β€” to beat with a strap, lash, rod, or the like, especially by way of punishment or chastisement; flog; thrash: Criminals used to be whipped for minor offenses.
  • discompose β€” to upset the order of; disarrange; disorder; unsettle: The breeze discomposed the bouquet.
  • shiver β€” to shake or tremble with cold, fear, excitement, etc.
  • waggle β€” to wobble or shake, especially while in motion: The ball waggled slowly to a stop. The leaves of the tree waggled in the wind.
  • flicker β€” to burn unsteadily; shine with a wavering light: The candle flickered in the wind and went out.
  • ruffle β€” to beat (a drum) in this manner.
  • flap β€” to swing or sway back and forth loosely, especially with noise: A loose shutter flapped outside the window.
  • jerk β€” to move with a quick, sharp motion; move spasmodically.
  • disquiet β€” lack of calm, peace, or ease; anxiety; uneasiness.
  • water β€” a liquid solution or preparation, especially one used for cosmetic purposes: lavender water; lemon water.
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