
All conference synonyms

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noun conference

  • convention — A convention is a way of behaving that is considered to be correct or polite by most people in a society.
  • forum — the marketplace or public square of an ancient Roman city, the center of judicial and business affairs and a place of assembly for the people.
  • discussion — an act or instance of discussing; consideration or examination by argument, comment, etc., especially to explore solutions; informal debate.
  • consultation — A consultation is a meeting which is held to discuss something. Consultation is discussion about something.
  • seminar — a small group of students, as in a university, engaged in advanced study and original research under a member of the faculty and meeting regularly to exchange information and hold discussions.
  • interview — a formal meeting in which one or more persons question, consult, or evaluate another person: a job interview.
  • symposium — a meeting or conference for the discussion of some subject, especially a meeting at which several speakers talk on or discuss a topic before an audience.
  • meeting — an assembly, as of persons and hounds for a hunt or swimmers or runners for a race or series of races: a track meet.
  • talk — to communicate or exchange ideas, information, etc., by speaking: to talk about poetry.
  • organization — the act or process of organizing.
  • association — An association is an official group of people who have the same job, aim, or interest.
  • league — a unit of distance, varying at different periods and in different countries, in English-speaking countries usually estimated roughly at 3 miles (4.8 kilometers).
  • interchange — to put each in the place of the other: to interchange pieces of modular furniture.
  • huddle — to gather or crowd together in a close mass.
  • appointment — The appointment of a person to a particular job is the choice of that person to do it.
  • deliberation — Deliberation is the long and careful consideration of a subject.
  • congress — Congress is the elected group of politicians that is responsible for making the law in the United States. It consists of two parts: the House of Representatives and the Senate.
  • parley — a discussion or conference.
  • chat — When people chat, they talk to each other in an informal and friendly way.
  • convocation — A convocation is a meeting or ceremony attended by a large number of people.
  • argument — An argument is a statement or set of statements that you use in order to try to convince people that your opinion about something is correct.
  • powwow — a large gathering organized by North American Indians for socializing, dancing, singing, and celebrating their culture.
  • conversation — If you have a conversation with someone, you talk with them, usually in an informal situation.
  • colloquy — a formal conversation or conference
  • confabulation — the act of confabulating; conversation; discussion.
  • palaver — a conference or discussion.
  • ventilation — the act of ventilating.
  • gabfest — a gathering at which there is a great deal of conversation.
  • groupthink — the practice of approaching problems or issues as matters that are best dealt with by consensus of a group rather than by individuals acting independently; conformity.
  • ring — a male given name.
  • circuit — An electrical circuit is a complete route which an electric current can flow around.
  • loop — a hot bloom of pasty consistency, to be worked under a hammer or in rolls.
  • conferring — to consult together; compare opinions; carry on a discussion or deliberation.
  • session — the sitting together of a court, council, legislature, or the like, for conference or the transaction of business: Congress is now in session.
  • colloquium — an informal gathering for discussion
  • summit — a city in NE New Jersey.
  • alliance — An alliance is a group of countries or political parties that are formally united and working together because they have similar aims.
  • union — a township in NE New Jersey.
  • federation — the act of federating or uniting in a league.
  • organisation — the act or process of organizing.
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