
All cunning synonyms

C c

adj cunning

  • knowing β€” affecting, implying, or deliberately revealing shrewd knowledge of secret or private information: a knowing glance.
  • acute β€” An acute accent is a symbol that is placed over vowels in some languages in order to indicate how that vowel is pronounced or over one letter in a word to indicate where it is stressed. You refer to a letter with this accent as, for example, e acute. For example, there is an acute accent over the letter 'e' in the French word 'cafΓ©'.
  • smarts β€” to be a source of sharp, local, and usually superficial pain, as a wound.
  • smooth β€” free from projections or unevenness of surface; not rough: smooth wood; a smooth road.
  • slick β€” smooth and glossy; sleek.
  • deep β€” If something is deep, it extends a long way down from the ground or from the top surface of something.
  • keen β€” finely sharpened, as an edge; so shaped as to cut or pierce substances readily: a keen razor.
  • machiavellian β€” of, like, or befitting Machiavelli.
  • sharp β€” having a thin cutting edge or a fine point; well-adapted for cutting or piercing: a sharp knife.
  • smart β€” having or showing quick intelligence or ready mental capability: a smart student.
  • crackerjack β€” Someone or something that is crackerjack is excellent or of very high quality.
  • artful β€” If you describe someone as artful, you mean that they are clever and skilful at achieving what they want, especially by deceiving people.
  • astute β€” If you describe someone as astute, you think they show an understanding of behaviour and situations, and are skilful at using this knowledge to their own advantage.
  • cagey β€” If you say that someone is being cagey about something, you mean that you think they are deliberately not giving you much information or expressing an opinion about it.
  • canny β€” A canny person is clever and able to think quickly. You can also describe a person's behaviour as canny.
  • crafty β€” If you describe someone as crafty, you mean that they achieve what they want in a clever way, often by deceiving people.
  • foxy β€” foxlike; cunning or crafty; slyly clever.
  • insidious β€” intended to entrap or beguile: an insidious plan.
  • shifty β€” resourceful; fertile in expedients.
  • shrewd β€” astute or sharp in practical matters: a shrewd politician.
  • slippery β€” tending or liable to cause slipping or sliding, as ice, oil, a wet surface, etc.: a slippery road.
  • sly β€” cunning or wily: sly as a fox.
  • street-smart β€” possessing or showing street smarts.
  • subtle β€” thin, tenuous, or rarefied, as a fluid or an odor.
  • tricky β€” given to or characterized by deceitful tricks; crafty; wily.
  • wary β€” watchful; being on one's guard against danger.
  • wily β€” full of, marked by, or proceeding from wiles; crafty; cunning.
  • guileful β€” insidiously cunning; artfully deceptive; wily.

adjective cunning

  • imaginative β€” characterized by or bearing evidence of imagination: an imaginative tale.

noun cunning

  • slyness β€” cunning or wily: sly as a fox.
  • wiliness β€” full of, marked by, or proceeding from wiles; crafty; cunning.
  • craftiness β€” skillful in underhand or evil schemes; cunning; deceitful; sly.
  • astuteness β€” of keen penetration or discernment; sagacious: an astute analysis.
  • canniness β€” the quality of being canny
  • sneakily β€” like or suggestive of a sneak; furtive; deceitful.
  • shrewdness β€” astute or sharp in practical matters: a shrewd politician.
  • guile β€” insidious cunning in attaining a goal; crafty or artful deception; duplicity.
  • artifice β€” Artifice is the clever use of tricks and devices.
  • skill β€” the ability, coming from one's knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc., to do something well: Carpentry was one of his many skills.
  • cleverness β€” mentally bright; having sharp or quick intelligence; able.
  • ingenuity β€” the quality of being cleverly inventive or resourceful; inventiveness: a designer of great ingenuity.
  • creativity β€” creative ability; artistic or intellectual inventiveness
  • dexterity β€” Dexterity is skill in using your hands, or sometimes your mind.
  • adroitness β€” expert or nimble in the use of the hands or body.
  • ability β€” Your ability to do something is the fact that you can do it.
  • inventiveness β€” apt at inventing, devising, or contriving.
  • resourcefulness β€” able to deal skillfully and promptly with new situations, difficulties, etc.
  • art β€” Art consists of paintings, sculpture, and other pictures or objects which are created for people to look at and admire or think deeply about.
  • craft β€” You can refer to a boat, a spacecraft, or an aircraft as a craft.
  • deftness β€” dexterous; nimble; skillful; clever: deft hands; a deft mechanic.
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