
All cut and dried synonyms

cut and dried
C c

adj cut and dried

  • careful β€” If you are careful, you give serious attention to what you are doing, in order to avoid harm, damage, or mistakes. If you are careful to do something, you make sure that you do it.
  • conscious β€” If you are conscious of something, you notice it or realize that it is happening.
  • purposeful β€” having a purpose.
  • studious β€” disposed or given to diligent study: a studious boy.
  • cold-blooded β€” Someone who is cold-blooded does not show any pity or emotion.
  • thoughtful β€” showing consideration for others; considerate.
  • cautious β€” Someone who is cautious acts very carefully in order to avoid possible danger.
  • willful β€” deliberate, voluntary, or intentional: The coroner ruled the death willful murder.
  • prudent β€” wise or judicious in practical affairs; sagacious; discreet or circumspect; sober.
  • meticulous β€” taking or showing extreme care about minute details; precise; thorough: a meticulous craftsman; meticulous personal appearance.
  • conventional β€” Someone who is conventional has behaviour or opinions that are ordinary and normal.
  • constant β€” You use constant to describe something that happens all the time or is always there.
  • normal β€” conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.
  • natural β€” existing in or formed by nature (opposed to artificial): a natural bridge.
  • current β€” A current is a steady and continuous flowing movement of some of the water in a river, lake, or sea.
  • customary β€” Customary is used to describe things that people usually do in a particular society or in particular circumstances.
  • frequent β€” happening or occurring at short intervals: to make frequent trips to Tokyo.
  • prevailing β€” predominant: prevailing winds.
  • humdrum β€” lacking variety; boring; dull: a humdrum existence.
  • premeditated β€” done deliberately; planned in advance: a premeditated murder.
  • proposed β€” to offer or suggest (a matter, subject, case, etc.) for consideration, acceptance, or action: to propose a new method.
  • deliberate β€” If you do something that is deliberate, you planned or decided to do it beforehand, and so it happens on purpose rather than by chance.
  • doomed β€” fate or destiny, especially adverse fate; unavoidable ill fortune: In exile and poverty, he met his doom.
  • determined β€” If you are determined to do something, you have made a firm decision to do it and will not let anything stop you.
  • planned β€” arranged, organized, or done in accordance with a plan: a planned attack.
  • calculated β€” If something is calculated to have a particular effect, it is specially done or arranged in order to have that effect.
  • foreordained β€” to ordain or appoint beforehand.
  • agreed β€” If people are agreed on something, they have reached a joint decision on it or have the same opinion about it.
  • preordained β€” to ordain beforehand; foreordain.
  • predestined β€” to destine in advance; foreordain; predetermine: He seemed predestined for the ministry.
  • studied β€” marked by or suggestive of conscious effort; not spontaneous or natural; affected: studied simplicity.
  • intended β€” purposed; designed; intentional: an intended snub.
  • considered β€” A considered opinion or act is the result of careful thought.
  • predetermined β€” to settle or decide in advance: He had predetermined his answer to the offer.
  • advised β€” resulting from deliberation
  • resolved β€” firm in purpose or intent; determined.
  • reasoned β€” based on reason: a carefully reasoned decision.
  • designed β€” made or done intentionally; intended; planned.
  • projected β€” something that is contemplated, devised, or planned; plan; scheme.
  • weighed β€” to determine or ascertain the force that gravitation exerts upon (a person or thing) by use of a balance, scale, or other mechanical device: to weigh oneself; to weigh potatoes; to weigh gases.
  • pondered β€” to consider something deeply and thoroughly; meditate (often followed by over or upon).
  • purposed β€” the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.
  • judged β€” a public officer authorized to hear and decide cases in a court of law; a magistrate charged with the administration of justice.
  • definite β€” If something such as a decision or an arrangement is definite, it is firm and clear, and unlikely to be changed.
  • destined β€” If something is destined to happen or if someone is destined to behave in a particular way, that thing seems certain to happen or be done.
  • familiar β€” well-acquainted; thoroughly conversant: to be familiar with a subject.
  • fated β€” subject to, guided by, or predetermined by fate; destined.
  • fixed β€” fastened, attached, or placed so as to be firm and not readily movable; firmly implanted; stationary; rigid.
  • old hat β€” old-fashioned; dated.
  • ordained β€” to invest with ministerial or sacerdotal functions; confer holy orders upon.
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