
All degenerate synonyms

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verb degenerate

  • worsen β€” Make or become worse.
  • disintegrate β€” to separate into parts or lose intactness or solidness; break up; deteriorate: The old book is gradually disintegrating with age.
  • lapse β€” an accidental or temporary decline or deviation from an expected or accepted condition or state; a temporary falling or slipping from a previous standard: a lapse of justice.
  • revert β€” to return to a former habit, practice, belief, condition, etc.: They reverted to the ways of their forefathers.
  • descend β€” If you descend or if you descend a staircase, you move downwards from a higher to a lower level.
  • regress β€” to move backward; go back.
  • lessen β€” to become less.
  • retrogress β€” to go backward into an earlier and usually worse condition: to retrogress to infantilism.
  • decline β€” If something declines, it becomes less in quantity, importance, or strength.
  • return β€” to go or come back, as to a former place, position, or state: to return from abroad; to return to public office; to return to work.
  • corrode β€” If metal or stone corrodes, or is corroded, it is gradually destroyed by a chemical or by rust.
  • deprave β€” Something that depraves someone makes them morally bad or evil.
  • decrease β€” When something decreases or when you decrease it, it becomes less in quantity, size, or intensity.
  • sink β€” to displace part of the volume of a supporting substance or object and become totally or partially submerged or enveloped; fall or descend into or below the surface or to the bottom (often followed by in or into): The battleship sank within two hours. His foot sank in the mud. Her head sinks into the pillows.
  • slip β€” to move, flow, pass, or go smoothly or easily; glide; slide: Water slips off a smooth surface.
  • corrupt β€” Someone who is corrupt behaves in a way that is morally wrong, especially by doing dishonest or illegal things in return for money or power.
  • rot β€” to undergo decomposition; decay.
  • backslide β€” to lapse into bad habits or vices from a state of virtue, religious faith, etc
  • vitiate β€” to impair the quality of; make faulty; spoil.
  • fall off β€” to drop or descend under the force of gravity, as to a lower place through loss or lack of support.
  • go to pieces β€” a separate or limited portion or quantity of something: a piece of land; a piece of chocolate.
  • go downhill β€” travel down a slope
  • go to the dogs β€” a domesticated canid, Canis familiaris, bred in many varieties.

adjective degenerate

  • debased β€” rendered less valuable or admirable
  • decadent β€” If you say that a person or society is decadent, you think that they have low moral standards and are interested mainly in pleasure.
  • immoral β€” violating moral principles; not conforming to the patterns of conduct usually accepted or established as consistent with principles of personal and social ethics.
  • debauched β€” If you describe someone as debauched, you mean they behave in a way that you think is socially unacceptable, for example because they drink a lot of alcohol or have sex with a lot of people.
  • perverted β€” Pathology. changed to or being of an unnatural or abnormal kind: a perverted interest in death.
  • wicked β€” evil or morally bad in principle or practice; sinful; iniquitous: wicked people; wicked habits.
  • deteriorated β€” Become progressively worse.
  • base β€” The base of something is its lowest edge or part.
  • decayed β€” having rotted as a result of bacterial, fungal, or chemical action; decomposed
  • degenerated β€” to fall below a normal or desirable level in physical, mental, or moral qualities; deteriorate: The morale of the soldiers degenerated, and they were unable to fight.
  • degraded β€” disgraced, debased, depraved, etc.
  • depraved β€” Depraved actions, things, or people are morally bad or evil.
  • failing β€” Slang. an embarrassing or humorous mistake, humiliating situation, etc., that is subject to ridicule and given an exaggerated importance: Their app update is a massive fail. the condition or quality resulting from having failed in this way: His online post is full of fail. a person who fails in this way.
  • fallen β€” past participle of fall.
  • low β€” to utter by or as by lowing.
  • mean β€” to intend for a particular purpose, destination, etc.: They were meant for each other. Synonyms: destine, foreordain.
  • miscreant β€” depraved, villainous, or base.
  • retrograde β€” moving backward; having a backward motion or direction; retiring or retreating.
  • sinking β€” to displace part of the volume of a supporting substance or object and become totally or partially submerged or enveloped; fall or descend into or below the surface or to the bottom (often followed by in or into): The battleship sank within two hours. His foot sank in the mud. Her head sinks into the pillows.
  • dissolute β€” indifferent to moral restraints; given to immoral or improper conduct; licentious; dissipated.
  • effete β€” lacking in wholesome vigor; degenerate; decadent: an effete, overrefined society.
  • infamous β€” having an extremely bad reputation: an infamous city.
  • nefarious β€” extremely wicked or villainous; iniquitous: a nefarious plot.
  • overripe β€” too ripe; more than ripe: overripe tomatoes.
  • retrogressive β€” characterized by retrogression; degenerating.
  • rotten β€” decomposing or decaying; putrid; tainted, foul, or bad-smelling.
  • unhealthy β€” not in a state of good or normal health; in an unsound, weak, or morbid condition.
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