
All denounce synonyms

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verb denounce

  • prosecute β€” Law. to institute legal proceedings against (a person). to seek to enforce or obtain by legal process. to conduct criminal proceedings in court against.
  • criticize β€” If you criticize someone or something, you express your disapproval of them by saying what you think is wrong with them.
  • rebuke β€” to express sharp, stern disapproval of; reprove; reprimand.
  • brand β€” If someone is branded as something bad, people think they are that thing.
  • scold β€” to find fault with angrily; chide; reprimand: The teacher scolded me for being late.
  • castigate β€” If you castigate someone or something, you speak to them angrily or criticize them severely.
  • boycott β€” If a country, group, or person boycotts a country, organization, or activity, they refuse to be involved with it in any way because they disapprove of it.
  • blame β€” If you blame a person or thing for something bad, you believe or say that they are responsible for it or that they caused it.
  • decry β€” If someone decries an idea or action, they criticize it strongly.
  • revile β€” to assail with contemptuous or opprobrious language; address or speak of abusively.
  • censure β€” If you censure someone for something that they have done, you tell them that you strongly disapprove of it.
  • accuse β€” If you accuse someone of doing something wrong or dishonest, you say or tell them that you believe that they did it.
  • threaten β€” to utter a threat against; menace: He threatened the boy with a beating.
  • vilify β€” to speak ill of; defame; slander.
  • stigmatize β€” to set some mark of disgrace or infamy upon: The crime of the father stigmatized the whole family.
  • impeach β€” to accuse (a public official) before an appropriate tribunal of misconduct in office.
  • vituperate β€” to berate or rail (against) abusively; revile
  • incriminate β€” to accuse of or present proof of a crime or fault: He incriminated both men to the grand jury.
  • rat β€” any of several long-tailed rodents of the family Muridae, of the genus Rattus and related genera, distinguished from the mouse by being larger.
  • indict β€” (of a grand jury) to bring a formal accusation against, as a means of bringing to trial: The grand jury indicted him for murder.
  • rap β€” to carry off; transport.
  • skin β€” the external covering or integument of an animal body, especially when soft and flexible.
  • reprove β€” to criticize or correct, especially gently: to reprove a pupil for making a mistake.
  • declaim β€” If you declaim, you speak dramatically, as if you were acting in a theatre.
  • adjudicate β€” If you adjudicate on a dispute or problem, you make an official judgment or decision about it.
  • ostracize β€” to exclude, by general consent, from society, friendship, conversation, privileges, etc.: His friends ostracized him after his father's arrest.
  • reprehend β€” to reprove or find fault with; rebuke; censure; blame.
  • charge β€” If you charge someone an amount of money, you ask them to pay that amount for something that you have sold to them or done for them.
  • damn β€” Damn, damn it, and dammit are used by some people to express anger or impatience.
  • finger β€” any of the terminal members of the hand, especially one other than the thumb.
  • proscribe β€” to denounce or condemn (a thing) as dangerous or harmful; prohibit.
  • derogate β€” to cause to seem inferior or be in disrepute; detract
  • impugn β€” to challenge as false (another's statements, motives, etc.); cast doubt upon.
  • reprobate β€” a depraved, unprincipled, or wicked person: a drunken reprobate.
  • arraign β€” If someone is arraigned on a particular charge, they are brought before a court of law to answer that charge.
  • blacklist β€” If someone is on a blacklist, they are seen by a government or other organization as being one of a number of people who cannot be trusted or who have done something wrong.
  • upbraid β€” to find fault with or reproach severely; censure: The military tribunal upbraided the soldier for his cowardice.
  • implicate β€” to show to be also involved, usually in an incriminating manner: to be implicated in a crime.
  • reproach β€” to find fault with (a person, group, etc.); blame; censure.
  • knock β€” to strike a sounding blow with the fist, knuckles, or anything hard, especially on a door, window, or the like, as in seeking admittance, calling attention, or giving a signal: to knock on the door before entering.
  • smear β€” to spread or daub (an oily, greasy, viscous, or wet substance) on or over something: to smear butter on bread.
  • reprimand β€” a severe reproof or rebuke, especially a formal one by a person in authority.
  • charge with β€” to impose or ask as a price or fee: That store charges $25 for leather gloves.
  • denunciate β€” to condemn; denounce
  • take to task β€” a definite piece of work assigned to, falling to, or expected of a person; duty.
  • criticise β€” criticize
  • deplore β€” If you say that you deplore something, you think it is very wrong or immoral.
  • condemn β€” If you condemn something, you say that it is very bad and unacceptable.
  • deprecate β€” If you deprecate something, you criticize it.
  • attack β€” To attack a person or place means to try to hurt or damage them using physical violence.
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