
All digital synonyms

D d

noun digital

  • calculating β€” If you describe someone as calculating, you disapprove of the fact that they deliberately plan to get what they want, often by hurting or harming other people.
  • clone β€” If someone or something is a clone of another person or thing, they are so similar to this person or thing that they seem to be exactly the same as them.
  • brain β€” Your brain is the organ inside your head that controls your body's activities and enables you to think and to feel things such as heat and pain.
  • calculator β€” A calculator is a small electronic device that you use for making mathematical calculations.
  • mini β€” miniskirt.
  • laptop β€” portable computer
  • minicomputer β€” a computer with processing and storage capabilities smaller than those of a mainframe but larger than those of a microcomputer.
  • cpu β€” In a computer, the CPU is the part that processes all the data and makes the computer work. CPU is an abbreviation for 'central processing unit'.
  • pc β€” plural pcs. piece.
  • mac β€” a male given name.
  • mainframe β€” a large computer, often the hub of a system serving many users.
  • abacus β€” An abacus is a frame used for counting. It has rods with sliding beads on them.
  • microcomputer β€” a compact computer, with less capacity and capability than a minicomputer, consisting of a microprocessor and other components.
  • analog β€” Analog technology involves measuring, storing, or recording an infinitely variable amount of information by using physical quantities such as voltage.
  • adding machine β€” a mechanical device, operated manually or electrically, for adding and often subtracting, multiplying, and dividing
  • number cruncher β€” a person or thing that performs a great many numerical calculations, as a financial analyst, statistician, computer, or computer program.
  • personal computer β€” a compact computer that uses a microprocessor and is designed for individual use, as by a person in an office or at home or school, for such applications as word processing, data management, financial analysis, or computer games. Abbreviation: PC.
  • micro β€” microprocessor

adj digital

  • automated β€” An automated factory, office, or industrial process uses machines to do the work instead of people.
  • programmed β€” a plan of action to accomplish a specified end: a school lunch program.
  • numerical β€” of or relating to numbers; of the nature of a number.
  • arithmetic β€” Arithmetic is the part of mathematics that is concerned with the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of numbers.
  • binary β€” Binary describes something that has two different parts.
  • fraction β€” Mathematics. a number usually expressed in the form a/b. a ratio of algebraic quantities similarly expressed.
  • fractional β€” pertaining to fractions; comprising a part or the parts of a unit; constituting a fraction: fractional numbers.
  • integral β€” of, relating to, or belonging as a part of the whole; constituent or component: integral parts.
  • mathematical β€” of, relating to, or of the nature of mathematics: mathematical truth.
  • numeral β€” a word, letter, symbol, or figure, etc., expressing a number; number: the Roman numerals.
  • statistical β€” of, pertaining to, consisting of, or based on statistics.
  • algebraic β€” Algebraic equations, expressions, and principles are based on or use algebra.
  • algorithmic β€” a set of rules for solving a problem in a finite number of steps, as for finding the greatest common divisor.
  • arithmetical β€” Arithmetical calculations, processes, or skills involve the addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division of numbers.
  • differential β€” of or relating to difference or diversity.
  • logarithm β€” the exponent of the power to which a base number must be raised to equal a given number; log: 2 is the logarithm of 100 to the base 10 (2 = log10 100).
  • logarithmic β€” pertaining to a logarithm or logarithms.
  • numerary β€” of or relating to a number or numbers.
  • integrated β€” combining or coordinating separate elements so as to provide a harmonious, interrelated whole: an integrated plot; an integrated course of study.

adjective digital

  • alphanumeric β€” (of a character set, code, or file of data) consisting of alphabetical and numerical symbols
  • cardinal β€” A cardinal is a high-ranking priest in the Catholic church.
  • ordinal β€” of or relating to an order, as of animals or plants.
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