
All dingdong synonyms

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noun dingdong

  • fool β€” to trick, deceive, or impose on: They tried to fool him.
  • ass β€” An ass is an animal which is related to a horse but which is smaller and has long ears.
  • blockhead β€” a stupid person
  • dolt β€” a dull, stupid person; blockhead.
  • dummy β€” a representation or copy of something, as for displaying to indicate appearance: a display of lipstick dummies made of colored plastic.
  • dunce β€” a dull-witted, stupid, or ignorant person; dolt.
  • half-wit β€” a person who is feeble-minded.
  • idiot β€” Informal. an utterly foolish or senseless person: If you think you can wear that outfit to a job interview and get hired, you're an idiot!
  • ignoramus β€” an extremely ignorant person.
  • imbecile β€” Informal. a dunce; blockhead; dolt: Don't stand there like an imbecile. Open the door!.
  • jackass β€” a male donkey.
  • lunkhead β€” a dull or stupid person; blockhead.
  • moron β€” a city in E Argentina, SW of Buenos Aires.
  • nincompoop β€” a fool or simpleton.
  • ninny β€” a fool or simpleton.
  • nitwit β€” a slow-witted, stupid, or foolish person.
  • numskull β€” a dull-witted or stupid person; dolt.
  • oaf β€” a clumsy, stupid person; lout.
  • simpleton β€” an ignorant, foolish, or silly person.
  • meathead β€” blockhead; dunce; fool.
  • vesper β€” (initial capital letter) the evening star, especially Venus; Hesperus.
  • alarm β€” Alarm is a feeling of fear or anxiety that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen.
  • buzz β€” If something buzzes or buzzes somewhere, it makes a long continuous sound, like the noise a bee makes when it is flying.
  • buzzer β€” A buzzer is an electrical device that is used to make a buzzing sound for example, to attract someone's attention.
  • carillon β€” a set of bells usually hung in a tower and played either by keys and pedals or mechanically
  • chime β€” When a bell or a clock chimes, it makes ringing sounds.
  • clapper β€” a person or thing that claps
  • curfew β€” A curfew is a law stating that people must stay inside their houses after a particular time at night, for example during a war.
  • ding-dong β€” the sound of a bell.
  • gong β€” a large bronze disk, of Asian origin, having an upturned rim, that produces a vibrant, hollow tone when struck, usually with a stick or hammer that has a padded head.
  • peal β€” a loud, prolonged ringing of bells.
  • ringer β€” a person or thing that rings or makes a ringing noise: a ringer of bells; a bell that is a loud ringer.
  • siren β€” Classical Mythology. one of several sea nymphs, part woman and part bird, who lure mariners to destruction by their seductive singing.
  • tocsin β€” a signal, especially of alarm, sounded on a bell or bells.
  • toll β€” the act of tolling a bell.
  • dinger β€” humdinger.
  • tintinnabulum β€” a small, tinkling bell or a set of bells played in succession.

adjective dingdong

  • fickle β€” Changing frequently, esp. as regards one's loyalties, interests, or affection.
  • irresponsible β€” said, done, or characterized by a lack of a sense of responsibility: His refusal to work shows him to be completely irresponsible.
  • capricious β€” Someone who is capricious often changes their mind unexpectedly.
  • giddy β€” affected with vertigo; dizzy.
  • unstable β€” not stable; not firm or firmly fixed; unsteady.
  • airheaded β€” Slang. a scatterbrained, stupid, or simple-minded person; dolt.
  • birdbrained β€” a stupid, foolish, or scatterbrained person.
  • changeable β€” Someone or something that is changeable is likely to change many times.
  • dingbat β€” Slang. an eccentric, silly, or empty-headed person.
  • dizzy β€” having a sensation of whirling and a tendency to fall; giddy; vertiginous.
  • effervescent β€” effervescing; bubbling.
  • featherbrain β€” a foolish or giddy person; scatterbrain.
  • frivolous β€” characterized by lack of seriousness or sense: frivolous conduct.
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