
All disarray synonyms

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noun disarray

  • disorder β€” lack of order or regular arrangement; confusion: Your room is in utter disorder.
  • anarchy β€” If you describe a situation as anarchy, you mean that nobody seems to be paying any attention to rules or laws.
  • disharmony β€” lack of harmony; discord.
  • chaos β€” Chaos is a state of complete disorder and confusion.
  • shambles β€” a shambling gait.
  • discomposure β€” the state of being discomposed; disorder; agitation; perturbation.
  • disorganization β€” a breaking up of order or system; disunion or disruption of constituent parts.
  • upset β€” to overturn: to upset a pitcher of milk.
  • muddle β€” to mix up in a confused or bungling manner; jumble.
  • unruliness β€” not submissive or conforming to rule; ungovernable; turbulent; intractable; refractory; lawless: an unruly class; an unruly wilderness.
  • snarl β€” to become tangled; get into a tangle.
  • clutter β€” Clutter is a lot of things in an untidy state, especially things that are not useful or necessary.
  • disarrange β€” to disturb the arrangement of; disorder; unsettle.
  • jumble β€” to mix in a confused mass; put or throw together without order: You've jumbled up all the cards.
  • tangle β€” to bring together into a mass of confusedly interlaced or intertwisted threads, strands, or other like parts; snarl.
  • untidiness β€” not tidy or neat; slovenly; disordered: an untidy room; an untidy person.
  • indiscipline β€” lack of discipline or control: a campus problem of student indiscipline.
  • ataxia β€” lack of muscular coordination
  • confusion β€” If there is confusion about something, it is not clear what the true situation is, especially because people believe different things.
  • dismay β€” to break down the courage of completely, as by sudden danger or trouble; dishearten thoroughly; daunt: The surprise attack dismayed the enemy.
  • panic β€” Also called panic grass. any grass of the genus Panicum, many species of which bear edible grain.
  • alarm β€” Alarm is a feeling of fear or anxiety that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen.
  • hysteria β€” an uncontrollable outburst of emotion or fear, often characterized by irrationality, laughter, weeping, etc.
  • frenzy β€” extreme mental agitation; wild excitement or derangement.
  • mess β€” a dirty, untidy, or disordered condition: The room was in a mess.
  • disarrangement β€” Upset of the normal order.

verb disarray

  • undress β€” to take the clothes off (a person); disrobe.
  • tumble β€” to fall helplessly down, end over end, as by losing one's footing, support, or equilibrium; plunge headlong: to tumble down the stairs.
  • hit the dirt β€” to drop to the ground
  • bollix β€” to make a muddle of; bungle; botch
  • litter β€” objects strewn or scattered about; scattered rubbish.
  • tip over β€” to cause to assume a slanting or sloping position; incline; tilt.
  • downs β€” from higher to lower; in descending direction or order; toward, into, or in a lower position: to come down the ladder.
  • nose-dive β€” a plunge of an aircraft with the forward part pointing downward.
  • upended β€” to set on end, as a barrel or ship.
  • shamble β€” a shambling gait.
  • nose dive β€” a plunge of an aircraft with the forward part pointing downward.
  • get to β€” to receive or come to have possession, use, or enjoyment of: to get a birthday present; to get a pension.
  • knock over β€” to strike a sounding blow with the fist, knuckles, or anything hard, especially on a door, window, or the like, as in seeking admittance, calling attention, or giving a signal: to knock on the door before entering.
  • fuddle β€” to muddle or confuse: a jumble of sounds to fuddle the senses.
  • knock down β€” to strike a sounding blow with the fist, knuckles, or anything hard, especially on a door, window, or the like, as in seeking admittance, calling attention, or giving a signal: to knock on the door before entering.
  • unsettle β€” to alter from a settled state; cause to be no longer firmly fixed or established; render unstable; disturb: Violence unsettled the government.
  • attire β€” Your attire is the clothes you are wearing.
  • shuffle β€” to walk without lifting the feet or with clumsy steps and a shambling gait.
  • riffle β€” a rapid, as in a stream.
  • tousle β€” to disorder or dishevel: The wind tousled our hair.
  • derange β€” to disturb the order or arrangement of; throw into disorder; disarrange
  • break down β€” If a machine or a vehicle breaks down, it stops working.
  • got to β€” to receive or come to have possession, use, or enjoyment of: to get a birthday present; to get a pension.
  • muss β€” a state of disorder or untidiness.
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