
All domestic synonyms

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adj domestic

  • private β€” privacy
  • national β€” of, relating to, or maintained by a nation as an organized whole or independent political unit: national affairs.
  • internal β€” situated or existing in the interior of something; interior.
  • indigenous β€” originating in and characteristic of a particular region or country; native (often followed by to): the plants indigenous to Canada; the indigenous peoples of southern Africa.
  • pet β€” a fit of peevishness, sulking, or bad mood.
  • home β€” Lord, Douglas-Home.
  • calm β€” A calm person does not show or feel any worry, anger, or excitement.
  • family β€” the children of one person or one couple collectively: We want a large family.
  • stay-at-home β€” not inclined to travel or seek diversions or pastimes outside one's residence, area, or country.
  • intestine β€” Usually, intestines. the lower part of the alimentary canal, extending from the pylorus to the anus.
  • native β€” being the place or environment in which a person was born or a thing came into being: one's native land.
  • devoted β€” Someone who is devoted to a person loves that person very much.
  • homely β€” lacking in physical attractiveness; not beautiful; unattractive: a homely child.
  • sedentary β€” characterized by or requiring a sitting posture: a sedentary occupation.
  • settled β€” to appoint, fix, or resolve definitely and conclusively; agree upon (as time, price, or conditions).
  • subdued β€” quiet; inhibited; repressed; controlled: After the argument he was much more subdued.
  • submissive β€” inclined or ready to submit or yield to the authority of another; unresistingly or humbly obedient: submissive servants.
  • tame β€” changed from the wild or savage state; domesticated: a tame bear.
  • trained β€” Railroads. a self-propelled, connected group of rolling stock.
  • tranquil β€” free from commotion or tumult; peaceful; quiet; calm: a tranquil country place.
  • domiciliary β€” of or relating to a domicile, or place of residence.
  • homelike β€” like or suggestive of home; familiar; warmly comfortable.
  • indoor β€” occurring, used, etc., in a house or building, rather than out of doors: indoor games.
  • homemade β€” made or prepared at home, locally, or by the maker's own efforts: The restaurant's pastry is homemade. Breakfast at the farmhouse always meant homemade preserves.
  • inland β€” pertaining to or situated in the interior part of a country or region: inland cities.
  • municipal β€” of or relating to a town or city or its local government: municipal elections.
  • handcrafted β€” handicraft.
  • home-grown β€” grown or produced at home or in a particular region for local consumption: homegrown tomatoes.
  • intramural β€” involving only students at the same school or college: intramural athletics.

noun domestic

  • home help β€” A home help is a person who is employed to visit sick or old people at home and help with their cleaning or cooking.
  • cleaner β€” A cleaner is someone who is employed to clean the rooms and furniture inside a building.
  • maid β€” a female servant.
  • au pair β€” An au pair is a young person from a foreign country who lives with a family in order to learn the language and who helps to look after the children.
  • carer β€” A carer is someone who is responsible for looking after another person, for example, a person who has a disability, or is ill or very young.
  • housekeeper β€” a person, often hired, who does or directs the domestic work and planning necessary for a home, as cleaning or buying food.
  • servant β€” a person employed by another, especially to perform domestic duties.
  • retainer β€” the act of retaining in one's service.
  • help β€” to give or provide what is necessary to accomplish a task or satisfy a need; contribute strength or means to; render assistance to; cooperate effectively with; aid; assist: He planned to help me with my work. Let me help you with those packages.

adjective domestic

  • house β€” a building in which people live; residence for human beings.
  • household β€” the people of a house collectively; a family including its servants.
  • familial β€” of, relating to, or characteristic of a family: familial ties.
  • marital β€” Of or relating to marriage or the relations between husband and wife.
  • conjugal β€” Conjugal means relating to marriage or a married couple's relationship , especially their sexual relationship.
  • married β€” united in wedlock; wedded: married couples.
  • matrimonial β€” of or relating to matrimony; marital; nuptial; connubial; conjugal.
  • local β€” low-cal.
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