
All dont synonyms

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noun dont

  • restriction β€” something that restricts; a restrictive condition or regulation; limitation.
  • refusal β€” an act or instance of refusing.
  • injunction β€” Law. a judicial process or order requiring the person or persons to whom it is directed to do a particular act or to refrain from doing a particular act.
  • prohibition β€” the act of prohibiting.
  • boycott β€” If a country, group, or person boycotts a country, organization, or activity, they refuse to be involved with it in any way because they disapprove of it.
  • censorship β€” Censorship is the censoring of books, plays, films, or reports, especially by government officials, because they are considered immoral or secret in some way.
  • constraint β€” A constraint is something that limits or controls what you can do.
  • veto β€” the power or right vested in one branch of a government to cancel or postpone the decisions, enactments, etc., of another branch, especially the right of a president, governor, or other chief executive to reject bills passed by the legislature.
  • prevention β€” the act of preventing; effectual hindrance.
  • stricture β€” a remark or comment, especially an adverse criticism: The reviewer made several strictures upon the author's style.
  • anathema β€” If something is anathema to you, you strongly dislike it.
  • superstition β€” a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge, in or of the ominous significance of a particular thing, circumstance, occurrence, proceeding, or the like.
  • inhibition β€” the act of inhibiting.
  • proscription β€” the act of proscribing.
  • stoppage β€” an act or instance of stopping; cessation of activity: the stoppage of all work at the factory.
  • interdiction β€” an act or instance of interdicting.
  • limitation β€” a limiting condition; restrictive weakness; lack of capacity; inability or handicap: He knows his limitations as a writer.
  • suppression β€” the act of suppressing.
  • taboo β€” proscribed by society as improper or unacceptable: Taboo language is usually bleeped on TV. Synonyms: prohibited, banned, forbidden, proscribed. Antonyms: allowed, permitted, permissible; sanctioned.
  • temperance β€” moderation or self-restraint in action, statement, etc.; self-control.
  • negation β€” the act of denying: He shook his head in negation of the charge.
  • obstruction β€” something that obstructs, blocks, or closes up with an obstacle or obstacles; obstacle or hindrance: obstructions to navigation.
  • interdict β€” Civil Law. any prohibitory act or decree of a court or an administrative officer.
  • bar β€” A bar is a place where you can buy and drink alcoholic drinks.
  • repudiation β€” the act of repudiating.
  • forbiddance β€” the act of forbidding.
  • restraint β€” a restraining action or influence: freedom from restraint.
  • disapproval β€” the act or state of disapproving; a condemnatory feeling, look, or utterance; censure: stern disapproval.
  • regulation β€” a law, rule, or other order prescribed by authority, especially to regulate conduct.
  • sanction β€” authoritative permission or approval, as for an action.
  • ban β€” To ban something means to state officially that it must not be done, shown, or used.
  • reservation β€” the act of keeping back, withholding, or setting apart.
  • law β€” software law
  • out of bounds β€” Sports. being beyond or passing the limits or boundaries of a field, course, etc., marking the area within which the ball, puck, or the like is legally in play.
  • no-no β€” anything that is forbidden or not advisable, as because of being improper or unsafe: If you want to lose weight, rich desserts are a no-no.
  • off limits β€” forbidden to be patronized, frequented, used, etc., by certain persons: The tavern is off-limits to soldiers.
  • don't β€” contraction of do not.
  • disallowance β€” to refuse to allow; reject; veto: to disallow a claim for compensation.
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