
All double-time synonyms

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adj double-time

  • speedy β€” characterized by speed; rapid; swift; fast.
  • rapid β€” occurring within a short time; happening speedily: rapid growth.
  • agile β€” Someone who is agile can move quickly and easily.
  • brisk β€” A brisk activity or action is done quickly and in an energetic way.
  • nimble β€” quick and light in movement; moving with ease; agile; active; rapid: nimble feet.
  • hot β€” having or giving off heat; having a high temperature: a hot fire; hot coffee.
  • quick β€” done, proceeding, or occurring with promptness or rapidity, as an action, process, etc.; prompt; immediate: a quick response.
  • swift β€” moving or capable of moving with great speed or velocity; fleet; rapid: a swift ship.
  • fleeting β€” swift; rapid: to be fleet of foot; a fleet horse.
  • flying β€” making flight or passing through the air; that flies: a flying insect; an unidentified flying object.
  • hurried β€” moving or working rapidly, especially forced or required to hurry, as a person.
  • ready β€” completely prepared or in fit condition for immediate action or use: troops ready for battle; Dinner is ready.
  • dashing β€” A dashing person or thing is very stylish and attractive.
  • snap β€” to make a sudden, sharp, distinct sound; crack, as a whip; crackle.
  • fleet β€” an arm of the sea; inlet.
  • racing β€” a contest of speed, as in running, riding, driving, or sailing.
  • active β€” Someone who is active moves around a lot or does a lot of things.
  • winged β€” having wings.
  • flashing β€” a brief, sudden burst of bright light: a flash of lightning.
  • breakneck β€” If you say that something happens or travels at breakneck speed, you mean that it happens or travels very fast.
  • hasty β€” moving or acting with haste; speedy; quick; hurried.
  • posthaste β€” with the greatest possible speed or promptness: to come to a friend's aid posthaste.
  • presto β€” quickly, rapidly, or immediately.
  • pronto β€” promptly; quickly.
  • snappy β€” Snappy Video Snapshot
  • pdq β€” pretty damn quick
  • blue streak β€” anything regarded as like a streak of lightning in speed, vividness, etc.
  • chop-chop β€” with haste; quickly.
  • hypersonic β€” noting or pertaining to speed that is at least five times that of sound in the same medium.
  • in nothing flat β€” no thing; not anything; naught: to say nothing.
  • like a bat out of hell β€” very fast
  • like crazy β€” mentally deranged; demented; insane.
  • like mad β€” mentally disturbed; deranged; insane; demented.
  • speedball β€” a game similar to soccer with the chief difference that a player catching the ball on the fly can pass it with the hands.

adv double-time

  • at once β€” If you do something at once, you do it immediately.
  • shortly β€” in a short time; soon.
  • forthwith β€” immediately; at once; without delay: Any official accused of dishonesty should be suspended forthwith.
  • urgently β€” compelling or requiring immediate action or attention; imperative; pressing: an urgent matter.
  • soon β€” within a short period after this or that time, event, etc.: We shall know soon after he calls.
  • promptly β€” done, performed, delivered, etc., at once or without delay: a prompt reply.
  • directly β€” in a direct line, way, or manner; straight: The path leads directly to the lake.
  • rapidly β€” occurring within a short time; happening speedily: rapid growth.
  • instantly β€” immediately; at once.
  • immediately β€” without lapse of time; without delay; instantly; at once: Please telephone him immediately.
  • right away β€” in accordance with what is good, proper, or just: right conduct.
  • now β€” at the present time or moment: You are now using a dictionary.

noun double-time

  • haste β€” swiftness of motion; speed; celerity: He performed his task with great haste. They felt the need for haste.
  • on the double β€” twice as large, heavy, strong, etc.; twofold in size, amount, number, extent, etc.: a double portion; a new house double the size of the old one.
  • double-quick β€” very quick or rapid.
  • forced march β€” any march that is longer than troops are accustomed to and maintained at a faster pace than usual, generally undertaken for a particular objective under emergency conditions.
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